Defi Kingdoms atinge níveis recordes de atividade após impulso do metaverso

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Defi Kingdoms atinge níveis recordes de atividade após impulso do metaverso

Defi Kingdoms, um jogo de blockchain baseado em metaverso, está experimentando um aumento na atividade devido ao impulso que os projetos de metaverso estão tendo no mercado. De acordo com Dappradar, a atividade no jogo aumentou consideravelmente. Isso também é acompanhado pelo aumento no preço de seu token nativo, JEWEL, emitido em cima do blockchain Harmony, um token que atingiu os níveis mais altos de todos os tempos (ATH) em um mercado lateral.

Defi Kingdoms cresce entre seus pares

Defi Kingdoms, a play-to-earn (P2E) game inspired by metaverse elements that include non-fungible tokens (NFTs) as part of its structure, has been getting traction amidst the group of blockchain games that are coming out after the recent Web3 hype. According to dados, from Dappradar, a decentralized finance (defi) activity tracker, the number of users of Defi Kingdoms has grown more than 300% in the last month. Also, the number of transactions in the network has more than doubled in the same time, reaching 7.32 million.

The game, which also includes purely decentralized finance activities that users can harness without playing it, like staking and liquidity mining, has also experienced a rise in the value of its native token, JEWEL. The price of the token tocou ATH values today, breaking the $20 dollar mark amidst a general slump in the cryptocurrency market.

A ascensão do jogo descentralizado

According to the views of Yosuke Matsuda, president of Square Enix, who endereçado the subject in a letter, last year was the year of NFT’s and the metaverse. While smaller companies have been creating projects inspired by these concepts before, last year was when the industry started bombeamento fundos in a more substantial way. As a result, projects like Decentraland e The Sandbox, which had already been established long before, are already benefiting from this push.

Axie Infinity passou a ser one of the most played decentralized games during this year, due to its play-to-earn mechanics that appealed to people with low incomes in countries like the Filipinas and Venezuela, that perceived a higher income playing these than by occupying normal jobs in their countries.

Due to this success, traditional gaming companies (like Square Enix e Ubisoft) are now trying to introduce these elements into their gaming ecosystems, proposing to create token economies and marketplaces that would allow these universes to be self-sustainable in the future. However, AAA gaming companies have not released an installment of a major franchise integrating NFTs yet.

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