IMF Issues Fresh Warning To El Salvador Over Bitcoin Adoption But President Bukele Focuses On The Positives

Por ZyCrypto - 2 anos atrás - Tempo de leitura: 2 minutos

IMF Issues Fresh Warning To El Salvador Over Bitcoin Adoption But President Bukele Focuses On The Positives

The International Monetary Fund has issued new warnings to El Salvador over its full-scale adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender.The Fund’s report highlighted that El Salvador’s economy has bounced back from the lows of the pandemic and is experiencing a wave of prosperity.El Salvador has announced the creation of a Bitcoin City and the issuance of Bitcoin bonds in 2022.

Adoção de El Salvador de Bitcoin in September did not go down well with several organizations. The O FMI, em particular, emitiu repetidamente avisos ao governo que a decisão poderia significar a ruína económica para a pequena nação.

Os últimos avisos

The IMF has continued to voice its disapproval of El Salvador’s Bitcoin adoption but the latest warning comes with plenty of positives. The warning was contained in the concluding statement of a successful mission undertaken by the IMF staff and begins by noting the significant strides taken by the government in ensuring economic stability after the pandemic.

The report took a grim turn when it broached the issue of Bitcoin and the accompanying Chivo wallet. Although it noted that Bitcoin and Chivo can improve payments and foster financial inclusion, there are still inherent risks in such a system. The report noted the risks against consumer protection, financial integrity, and financial stability that could be the catalyst for “fiscal contingent liabilities.”

“Because of those risks, Bitcoin should not be used as legal tender.” disse o relatório. “Staff recommends narrowing the scope of the Bitcoin lei e insta o fortalecimento da regulamentação e supervisão do novo ecossistema de pagamentos.”

Outra recomendação sugerida pelo FMI inclui a eliminação do tratamento aparentemente preferencial dado à carteira Chivo. O FMI quer que a Chivo seja mantida num padrão mais elevado para garantir que os fundos dos clientes sejam devidamente salvaguardados. Recomendações mais abrangentes incluem a extinção do fundo fiduciário de 150 milhões de dólares e a retirada dos subsídios públicos à Chivo.

“Banking regulation should incorporate prudential safeguards such as conservative capital and liquidity requirements related to Bitcoin exposição." observou o FMI. O Fundo continua a emitir alertas contra as propostas emissões de obrigações soberanas.

Presidente Bukele se deleita com o relatório do FMI

Following the release of the IMF report, President Nayib Bukele chose to focus only on the positives as highlighted by the Fund. He shared the report with his over 3 million followers on Twitter accompanied with a caption that suggested his Bitcoin policies were the catalysts.

“É interessante que tenha sido o FMI quem destruiu todos os argumentos da oposição: excelente gestão da pandemia. Transparência na utilização dos fundos #Covid19. Forte REDUÇÃO DO CRIME. A economia crescerá 10% este ano”, ele twittou.

Desde a adoção Bitcoin as legal tender, Bukele has guided El Salvador to successfully mine Bitcoin com energia geotérmica e anunciar que o país construirá escolas e um veterinary clinic with the proceeds gained from its Bitcoin investimentos.

Fonte original: ZyCrypto