Preston Pysh: Como realmente obter liberdade de expressão

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Preston Pysh: Como realmente obter liberdade de expressão

Como a maioria das coisas, é difícil falar sobre a solução se primeiro não definirmos adequadamente o problema. Então, vamos começar por aí. Na semana passada, Elon Musk e Andrew Ross Sorkin conduziram uma entrevista de uma hora cheia de momentos estranhos e constrangedores. Para pessoas que não estão familiarizadas com a batalha pela liberdade de expressão que está ocorrendo. Reserve um momento para assistir a este clipe com curadoria para ver do que estou falando.

The battle to control YOUR speech in plain sight. (; 2:20)


O que diabos é isso tudo? Bem, como você verá, trata-se de controle, puxadores de cordas legados tentando manter a ordem e, em última análise, trata-se de um desejo de controlar sua liberdade de expressão.

O Problema

O actual panorama das redes sociais não é apenas um campo de batalha para a opinião pública, mas também uma complexa rede de influência e controlo, onde os intrincados laços entre agências governamentais, grandes instituições financeiras e interesses publicitários convergem para moldar e manipular o discurso público.

The term "deep state" often refers to the idea of a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies who get involved in the manipulation or desire for control of government policy and shaping the public opinion. Why? So, they can retain power and control of the system. In the context of social media, this concept extends to the involvement of such agencies in indirectly shaping the narrative and controlling speech. Once Elon Musk took Twitter private, he was able to see all the correspondence and control that was being exercised between government agencies and the captured twitter executives strategically used within the organization. Click SUA PARTICIPAÇÃO FAZ A DIFERENÇA para ver os arquivos do Twitter com todos os detalhes sangrentos.

So, the next natural question is how did these people make their way into an organization like Twitter? Enter the modern day “decentralized” equity ownership of a large cap company. Where the ownership of the company’s initial founders is miniscule, and the actual control of the company falls into the hands of a couple large ETF fund owners – also known as the Too Big to Fail Banks (TBTFB). If the TBTFBs control the board, then the TBTFBs can dictate where, how, and who performs what strategic censorship task, within the communication platform. These relationships create a scenario where the concept of a "safe environment," ostensibly meant to protect users from harmful content, is weaponized to suppress certain topics or points of view. Advertisers, under the guise of maintaining brand safety, exert pressure on social media platforms to moderate content in ways that align with these broader, often opaque, agendas. What promoters of such control are championing is a destructive weapon that serves their interests today, but that will unmistakably be turned against them once their political interests are no-longer in control or aligned. Talk about a fool’s objective.

"Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost." - Thomas Jefferson

The Solution: A Decentralized Speech Protocol - Nostr

Nostr, an acronym for "Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays," is a decentralized social network protocol that offers a novel approach to online communication, standing in contrast to traditional, centralized social media platforms. Its decentralized nature aims to tackle issues like censorship and control by removing the centralized authority that often dictates content moderation policies on other platforms. If you’re interested in how this is technically achieved, feel free to leia este artigo so you can learn more.

Quickly after this new protocol was released, Jack Dorsey took an interest in the project. Dorsey, quick to put his support behind the project, donated 14 Bitcoin (245K USD at the time) to the protocol developer, Fiatjaf. In fact, his donation came after publishing a blog post talking about the need for a native internet protocol for social media. It sure makes you wonder. What was Dorsey seeing on his final days at Twitter that compelled this billionaire to pour his time and energy into this somewhat obscure, and tiny protocol project?

Pouco depois de inúmeras interfaces de cliente com o protocolo Nostr começarem a surgir, Dorsey fez outra postagem interessante. Ele disse: “Os Zaps representam a única inovação fundamentalmente nova nas mídias sociais. Todo o resto é uma distração.”

Now this is where things get really interesting. Going back to the points initially outlined. Traditional social media companies – our true communications networks – are held captive to advertising revenue, which is held captive to TBTF banks, which are held captive to government agencies. But what if that model could be disrupted? Disrupted in a way where content creators, and all the people making billions of posts, directly get compensated from other users?

Similar to all technological revolutions, how do you dematerialize the large server racks, the Twitter headquarters, and take down the TBTF banking attack vector all in one? That’s right. A native payment function (called Zaps). Where, if I like someone’s post, I can casually send them 100 bitcoin satoshis (4.5 cents) by just pushing a single button that’s integrated into the person’s post.

Zaps (; 0:04)

Consider the implications: a user, impressed by a post, article, or comment, can express their appreciation not just through a 'like' or 'share', but with tangible financial support. This single action, a tap on the screen, could transfer a few satoshis directly into the digital wallet of the content creator. The process doesn't require the exchange of sensitive banking information; instead, it utilizes the power of the decentralized Bitcoin network, ensuring transactions are peer-to-peer, without the need for intermediaries.

The innovation does not stop with content monetization. Just this week, a company called Primal, introduced a iOS Nostr client that provides an interface to this free speech protocol and it also had a native Bitcoin lightning wallet all in one. This transforms the social media interface into a decentralized payment system. It transcends the boundaries of traditional financial systems, where transactions typically require third-party verification, are subject to fees, and often involve lengthy processing times. What Primal, and any other client provider could accomplish with a native bitcoin wallet, is the transfer of funds instantaneously and globally, making it a potent tool for freedom of expression and commerce. Without anyone’s permission.

Mais importante ainda, esta integração desafia o status quo da monetização nas plataformas sociais, onde os criadores de conteúdo muitas vezes recebem apenas uma fração da receita gerada pelo seu conteúdo (se é que recebem alguma). Em vez disso, o valor é canalizado diretamente para os criadores, reconhecendo-os e recompensando-os pelo valor do seu trabalho. O incentivo distópico da IA ​​para manter as pessoas navegando desaparece – especialmente porque os provedores de clientes estão tentando agressivamente competir entre si pela melhor experiência do usuário. Se você não gosta do seu provedor de cliente, não se preocupe, leve sua chave privada para outro lugar e todas as suas postagens anteriores e geração de conteúdo virão com você.

As we consider the broader implications of such technology, it is clear that such an approach could herald a new age of digital interaction. It encapsulates the principles of decentralization, not only in communication but also in commerce. The promise of Nostr, coupled with the financial liberation offered by integrated Bitcoin lightning transactions, sets a precedent for future platforms seeking to empower users and creators alike.

"What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist."

- Salman Rushdie

If you enjoyed the article, give me a follow on Nostr!

Este é um post convidado por Preston Pysh. As opiniões expressas são inteiramente próprias e não refletem necessariamente as da BTC Inc ou Bitcoin Revista.

Fonte original: Bitcoin Magazine