A crise energética ativará novamente as impressoras de dinheiro, mas apenas Bitcoin Posso resolver isso

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A crise energética ativará novamente as impressoras de dinheiro, mas apenas Bitcoin Posso resolver isso

The only way out of this mess is to adopt a money that is extremely hard for the unproductive class to corrupt. That money is bitcoin.

A seguir está um trecho direto do Bent Issue de Marty #1258: “A crise energética vai reativar as impressoras de dinheiro mais rápido do que a maioria espera." Assine a newsletter aqui.

Despite a very predictable catastrophe the speed at which the energy crisis in Europe is unfolding seems to be catching the markets off guard. Everyone is expecting a hard Winter with astronomical prices, but it looks like most were thinking that these problems wouldn't be felt until the Winter months. Thinking this way is proving to be a massive error as the compounding effects of ever decreasing supply and markets attempting to front run the chaos are leading to prices levels that are making it impossible for markets to simply... operate.

Notícias surgiram esta manhã de que as mesas de negociação europeias estão enfrentando finalmente $1.5 TRILLION in margin calls as prices run away from the available liquidity across the European energy industry. I know we live in the era of trillions being thrown around like confetti at the Super Bowl but to put that in perspective that would be ~13% of gold's total market cap and 31.6x bitcoin's current market cap. All just to ensure the energy trading markets have sufficient liquidity today. This doesn't even begin to factor in the amount of liquidity that will be needed as we progress further into the year. At some point soon the liquidity problem is going to hit a point where the European Central Bank's hand will be forced and they will turn on the money printer to bailout the energy sector. This could mark a pivotal point on the road toward Weimar 2.0 on a global scale. And this is only in Europe. If you pan a bit West toward the UK you'll notice that they are embarking on a very similar journey, but starting from the fiscal side of the equation.

Liz Truss, the UK's new WEF handpicked Prime Minister is coming out of the gate swinging big with price controls on electricity. Prepared to distribute as much as 170 BILLION pounds, or more than 5% of England's GDP, to attempt to assuage the pain British citizens are feeling at the end of the month when they go to pay their electricity bills. This may seem all well and good to the layman. The newly place Prime Minister is here to save the average Brit's wallet and stick it to the "greedy" electricity and energy giants. However, if you have any grasp of economics and history you'll know that this type of attempted price fixing is going to exacerbate the problems. Prices are rising because there is an inability to properly supply fuels to market and downstream from that it is becoming harder to supply electricity at reasonable prices.

Embora possa parecer politicamente o passo certo a tomar, tentar fixar os preços subsidiando os custos para os consumidores, como é o caso no Reino Unido, ou inevitavelmente imprimir dinheiro para resgatar os produtores de energia, como pode vir a ser o caso na UE , estas ações servirão apenas para piorar a capacidade destes produtores de entregar os seus produtos ao mercado. Eventualmente, os controlos de preços irão romper-se como uma represa e a impressão de dinheiro gerará mais impressão de dinheiro. Ambas as acções conduzirão inevitavelmente a mais inflação de preços e a mais sofrimento. Pior ainda, as acções poderão levar as suas economias a um ponto em que não haverá quantidade de dinheiro que permita aos produtores comprar o combustível necessário para que as empresas de serviços públicos produzam e forneçam electricidade. A crise de liquidez entre os produtores de energia europeus parece sinalizar que podemos estar a viver as fases iniciais deste processo.

This is what happens when the global economy is built on a monetary system that is completely disconnected from reality and when markets haven't had the ability to accurately price goods and services for five decades. To make matters worse, we've found that the easy money can be weaponized in two ways; first by debasing the savings of the individual and then by deciding who can and cannot use that debased money. Even cutting off whole countries. When you cut off whole countries from the monetary system, particularly countries that are relatively powerful, they will retaliate by weaponizing their resources. Today we are seeing this play out with Russia deciding that they will simply refuse to sell the Western world their oil and natural gas if the West doesn't want to allow them to access their monetary and payments networks.

As coisas estão ficando cada vez mais pesadas a cada dia, malucos. O Ocidente encurralou-se e a única saída parece ser um colapso hiperinflacionário que força as pessoas a tirarem a cabeça do rabo e a reconhecerem que a classe improdutiva no comando está a levar-nos à ruína. Nada torna isto mais claro do que o facto de nós, aqui nos Estados Unidos da América, parecermos levados a seguir o manual da Europa, avançando com políticas energéticas e monetárias absolutamente idiotas.

E para aqueles que pensam que os EUA estão relativamente vacinados contra a crise que se desenrola na Europa, também deveriam tirar a cabeça da cabeça. Devido à natureza da nossa economia de lixo hiperconectada e de alta velocidade, o nosso vagão está praticamente atrelado ao destino da economia europeia devido à quantidade de exposição ao crédito que existe lá fora. A falência dos produtores de energia e de electricidade devido aos preços astronómicos desencadeará um efeito dominó que chegará às nossas costas mais rapidamente do que muitos pensam.

The only way out of this mess is to adopt a money that is extremely hard for the unproductive class to corrupt. That money is bitcoin. Uma vez bitcoin is the reserve currency of the world true pricing will be brought back to the markets which will allow capital to be allocated properly because the costs of misallocating that scarce capital will be extremely high. There will be untenable consequences that come with trying to virtue signal your way through capital allocation. Unfortunately for the people of Europe, the UK, and eventually the US, things will only get worse until the individuals who live in the areas wake up to this economic fact.

Fonte original: Bitcoin Magazine