'Lobo de Wall Street' Jordan Belfort espera Bitcoin e Ethereum serão ‘substancialmente mais altos’ apesar do colapso da FTX

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'Lobo de Wall Street' Jordan Belfort espera Bitcoin e Ethereum serão ‘substancialmente mais altos’ apesar do colapso da FTX

Jordan Belfort, aka the Wolf of Wall Street, expects bitcoin and ethereum to be “a lot higher” than they are now. Noting that the collapsed crypto exchange FTX is a scam, he stressed that its implosion “doesn’t mean that you can disregard bitcoin completely and say it’s worthless or going to zero.”

O Lobo de Wall Street chama FTX de fraude

Jordan Belfort, a former stockbroker whose memoir was adapted into a film called “The Wolf of Wall Street,” shared some recommendations about bitcoin and ethereum in a video posted on his Youtube channel Monday. The film was directed by Martin Scorsese and starred Leonardo DiCaprio.

Belfort fundou a Stratton Oakmont, que funcionava como uma sala de caldeiras que comercializava ações baratas e defraudava os investidores com vendas de ações de bomba e despejo. Ele se tornou um palestrante motivacional depois de se declarar culpado de fraude em 1999 e foi preso por 22 meses.

Em relação à FTX, a exchange de criptomoedas que implodiu e entrou com pedido de falência em 11 de novembro, o Lobo de Wall Street descreveu: “FTX foi uma farsa e não há como se proteger contra uma farsa como essa”. Ele adicionou:

But just because FTX itself was a scam, that doesn’t mean that you can disregard bitcoin completely and say it’s worthless or going to zero. The same thing goes for ethereum.

Belfort Recommends Holding Bitcoin e Ethereum

Belfort believes that the price of bitcoin and ether will increase substantially despite recent crypto market sell-offs and the FTX fallout. However, he is skeptical about other coins, noting that besides the two largest cryptocurrencies, he “literally would not be touching crypto right now with a 10-foot pole.”

Para quem já possui outros tokens criptográficos, ele recomenda “ir passo a passo olhando cada moeda” para decidir se eles devem ser vendidos e quando seria um bom momento para vender. “Isso deve ser baseado no que você comprou e no que você acha que vale a pena agora”, disse ele.

Os investidores devem examinar os fundamentos de cada token e se perguntar por que compraram a moeda em primeiro lugar, aconselhou Belfort. “Havia algo por trás de sua compra, você esperava que boas notícias saíssem, você acha que a empresa estava realmente fazendo algo e que teremos alguma tecnologia inovadora?” ele perguntou.

However, if investors bought crypto because of “the greater fool theory, meaning that you thought … someone even more foolish than you would come along and buy the coin from you at a higher price,” Belfort suggested: “Anything outside of bitcoin and ethereum, I would take a petty close look at it and consider maybe selling it.” Referencing the dot-com bubble where 99% of the deals crashed and never came back, he explained:

Faça alguma análise, faça alguma pesquisa ... Existe algum problema que esta moeda ou token está resolvendo ou estamos apenas comprando todo o hype e esperando que continue, porque se for esse o caso, honestamente, você sabe que as chances são mais de essas coisas nunca mais vão voltar.

Belfort also revealed that he is planning to buy more bitcoin and ether. While cautioning that the two cryptocurrencies could fall further in the short term, he opined:

I think it’s a pretty good bet that right now, down here, if you buy bitcoin or ethereum, chances are [they] will be substantially higher in five to 10 years — actually a lot higher, I believe.

“If you are buying bitcoin or ethereum, it should represent a very small portion of your overall investment portfolio,” Belfort advised, noting that he would limit crypto investments to “under 10%” of his overall holdings. “That’s the money that you can essentially speculate with. You can afford to lose it.”

What do you think about the recommendations regarding bitcoin and ethereum by Jordan Belfort? Let us know in the comments section below.

Fonte original: Bitcoin.com