Bitcoin Цена выросла на 3.6 миллиарда процентов с тех пор, как она впервые была оценена выше нуля

By Bitcoin Журнал - 7 месяца назад - Время чтения: 2 минуты

Bitcoin Цена выросла на 3.6 миллиарда процентов с тех пор, как она впервые была оценена выше нуля

On this day 14 years ago, the Bitcoin price was born. 

As noted in a post on X today by Bitcoin Историк Пит Риззо, October 5 marks the anniversary of the date on which NewLibertyStandard, a pseudonymous early Bitcoin user made public the first U.S. dollar price valuation for Bitcoin.

A home miner at the time, NewLibertyStandard notably used the price of electricity to calculate the exchange rate, factoring сколько ему стоило привести в действие свой персональный компьютер поскольку он добывал монеты с небольшой конкуренцией.

At the time, he reached the conclusion that 1,309 Bitcoin were worth $1, meaning that a single U.S. dollar could buy the Bitcoin produced by 26 blocks.

The calculation marked the first time that anyone had priced Bitcoin above zero. As noted by Rizzo, Satoshi Nakamoto never priced Bitcoin, nor, as far as we know, offered to buy or sell Bitcoin за доллары.

The date is notable as since then, Bitcoin, the world's first cryptocurrency, has achieved a staggering milestone, with its price soaring by over 3.6 billion percent. 

Fast forward to the present day, and Bitcoin has become a household name, a symbol of financial innovation, and a хранилище ценных бумаг. Он пережил бесчисленные взлеты и падения, проблемы регулирования и рыночные циклы, став устойчивым и весьма востребованным активом.

Экспоненциальный рост Bitcoin's price is a testament to its unique features and value propositions. Here are some key factors that have contributed to Bitcoin's remarkable ascent, including its adoption by the market. 

So, while NewLibertyStandard remained only a personal buyer and seller of Bitcoin, he remains one of its founding fathers, helping to create the conditions for later markets to flourish within a global Bitcoin экономики.

Исходный источник: Bitcoin Журнал