Bitcoin هائيبرنيشن موڊ ۾ داخل ٿئي ٿو جيئن نيٽ ورڪ سرگرمي لولز

پاران NewsBTC - 1 سال اڳ - پڙهڻ جو وقت: 3 منٽ

Bitcoin هائيبرنيشن موڊ ۾ داخل ٿئي ٿو جيئن نيٽ ورڪ سرگرمي لولز

Bitcoin has seen a tremendous slow down in network activity following the market crash in mi-June. This drawdown was expected as a reduction in network activity usually follows a rush to get out of the digital asset during the decline. This lull has brought various metrics back towards normal territories and daily miner revenues remain drowsy during this time.

نيٽ ورڪ سرگرمي سست

جي قيمت کان پوء bitcoin had crashed to $17,600, there was a rush to get out of the digital asset. This had led to a tremendous surge in network activity. Average transaction volume had shot up from around $18,000 to $37,000 during the past week as volatility rocked the market. Mostly, these moves were triggered by fear that the price of the cryptocurrency would continue to decline.

Related Reading | Holding Back The Bears: Why Bitcoin Must Break $22,500

However, as the price of bitcoin has stabilized, the network activity has begun to return to normal levels. This is seen in the average transaction value for this week which has fallen by almost 50% to return to the $18,000 level. Additionally, on-chain activity has now dropped so low that it has now entered what is referred to as a hibernation mode. 

نيٽ ورڪ تي هر روز ٽرانزيڪشن پڻ گهٽجي ويو آهي استحڪام سان واپس مارڪيٽ ڏانهن موٽڻ. اهو انگ گذريل هفتي لاءِ سراسري طور 252,382 تي هو پر هاڻي 242,737 تي ويٺو آهي -3.82٪ ڊراپ جي نمائندگي ڪري ٿو.

BTC price declines to $19,000 | Source: BTCUSD on

The same has been the case for the total daily transaction volumes. While investors had scrambled to exit their positions, daily transaction volumes had risen to more than $9 billion. However, with bitcoin stabilizing at around $20,000, this value has dropped to $4.4 billion, a 51.75% change from the prior week.

Bitcoin Miners Take Hits

Bitcoin miners have been one of the worse-hit when it comes to the changes that are happening in the market. An example is the daily miner revenues that are being recorded for the last couple of weeks.  It had declined significantly in the month of June, and there has been no recovery in sight.

گذريل هفتي ڏٺو هو ته روزاني آمدني 18.3 ملين ڊالر في ڏينهن کي ڇڪيندي هئي، ۽ گذريل هفتي سان، گهڻو تبديلي نه آئي آهي. هڪ 2.02٪ اڀار جو مطلب آهي ته روزاني معدني آمدني $ 18.69 ملين تائين وڌي وئي، جڏهن ته فيس پاران ٺاهيل سيڪڙو 0.7٪ گهٽجي ويو.

BTC hashrate declines | Source: Arcane Research

اهو حشرات ۾ به چمڪي رهيو آهي، جنهن کي به ڪجهه نڙيءَ ۾ جهليو آهي. مهيني جي شروعات ۾ هڪ نئين هر وقت جي بلند ٿيڻ کان پوء، گهٽتائي اڃا تائين واضح ٿي چڪي آهي. اهو منافعي جي گھٽتائي جو سڌو نتيجو آهي، بلاڪ جي پيداوار جي شرح کي متاثر ڪري ٿو.

لاڳاپيل پڙهائڻ | Bitcoin جون لاءِ رڪارڊ بدترين ڪارڪردگي، هتي کان بهتر ٿيندو؟

گذريل هفتي في ڪلاڪ پيدا ٿيندڙ بلاڪن جو تعداد 5.85 تي اچي ويو، ۽ جيئن ته هيشرٽ گهٽ منافعي جي ڪري اداس رهڻ جي اميد رکي ٿي، اتي بلاڪ جي پيداوار ۾ وڌيڪ بحالي نه ٿي سگھي. هي گهٽتائي پڻ ترجمو ڪيو آهي ASIC قيمتن کي گهٽ ڪرڻ.

آخرڪار، في ڏينهن جي فيس پڻ هن وقت دوران خاص طور تي گهٽجي وئي. گذريل هفتي ۾ $437,159 کي ڇهڻ کان پوءِ، گذريل هفتي لاءِ في ڏينهن 28.59 سيڪڙو گهٽجڻ جي فيس 312,191 ڊالر ٿي وئي.

فيچر ٿيل تصوير Finbold کان، چارٽس کان آرڪين ريسرچ ۽

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