LYOPAY Luiz Góes جو CEO IB ميگزين جي سرورق تي

پاران CryptoDaily - 1 سال اڳ - پڙهڻ جو وقت: 3 منٽ

LYOPAY Luiz Góes جو CEO IB ميگزين جي سرورق تي

ڪير آهي برازيل جو ڪاروبار ڪندڙ Luiz Góes

Luiz Góes is a business executive with a specialization in process management, leadership, and business implementation. He has worked in fintech management and has promoted several digital business consultancies. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in military science from Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras in 2008, and holds an MBA in public management. He also holds a Medal of Military Merit for excellent services rendered to the Brazilian Army.

2018 ۾، لوز دبئي ۾ هڪ فنيچ گروپ لاء مالي صلاحڪار بڻجي ويو. 2020 ۾، هن ٺهرايو LGbank، هڪ cryptocurrency escrow پليٽ فارم. هن ترقي يافته ۽ ڊزائين ڪيل ڪاروباري ٽوڪنائيزيشن پروجيڪٽ پروجيڪٽ تي عمل درآمد ۽ منافعي جي حصيداري تي زور ڏنو، ۽ crowdfunding ماڊل جي بنياد تي. برازيل ۾، هو 8,000 گراهڪن سان گڏ هڪ گروپ جي اڳواڻي ڪري ٿو جيڪي هن جي سفارش هيٺ ڪاروبار ۾ حصو وٺندا آهن. هن altcoins ۽ ٽوڪن منصوبن لاءِ صلاحڪار پڻ فراهم ڪيو آهي.

Luiz Góes is the CEO of LYOPAY, a project in the fintech and cryptocurrency industry.

LYOPAY ڪمپني ڇا آهي

LYOPAY DIGILYO APP LTD جو هڪ برانڊ آهي، هڪ ڪمپني لنڊن، برطانيه ۾ ٻڌل آهي. ٻيا رجسٽرڊ ادارا آهن جيئن ته اهو هڪ منصوبو آهي جيڪو عالمي سطح تي هلندي آهي، جيئن هر ملڪ جي ضابطن سان تعميل ڪيو وڃي.

The LYOPAY vision is a world in which cryptocurrencies are used as our primary money. Today, to make purchases or transactions, especially for businesses, conversion into fiat currency is needed, making us reliant on traditional money. By removing this step, we will be able to use cryptocurrencies in our daily lives, both people and companies. To realize this vision, LYOPAY's mission is to create tools to use cryptocurrencies day by day. Products and services can be bought in crypto to make the most of our wallets. Services will allow businesses to accept crypto payments and pay their expenses with Bitcoin, Ethereum and other altcoins.

"I see a world where crypto is everyone's medium of exchange. LYOPAY will take us to that brilliant future." 

–Luiz Góes (LYOPAY CEO)

LYOPAY offers regulated and licensed crypto exchange products, focusing on the safety of their clients, and aiming to create a company to serve even future generations. A long-term reality, is to serve people's needs, and how their slogan says “Powering People”.

لوئز منصوبي ۾ هڪ اهم شخصيت آهي سي اي او جي طور تي ۽ LYOPAY ڪميونٽي طرفان ساراهيو ويو آهي. اسان هن منصوبي جي ترقي جي پيروي ڪنداسين.

LYOPAY Wins Norns Award 🏆Our CEO Luiz Góes receives the trophy of the Norns Award: LYOPAY wins in the Information Technology category.We are grateful and proud of this achievement. 🤩#LYOPAY #NornsAward #InformationTechnology #Crypto

— LYOPAY (@lyopayofficial) September 15, 2022

LYOPAY Website - LYOTRADE Crypto Exchange - Social Media Link - Luiz Góes LinkedIn - LYOPAY Facebook

ڊسڪليمر: هي هڪ اسپانسر ٿيل پريس ريليز آهي ۽ صرف معلومات جي مقصدن لاء آهي. اهو Crypto روزاني جي نظرين کي ظاهر نٿو ڪري، ۽ نه ئي اهو قانوني، ٽيڪس، سيڙپڪاري، يا مالي مشوري طور استعمال ڪرڻ جو ارادو آهي.

اصل ذريعو: روزانو crypto