Coinbase Lists Ethereum Rival That Raised $230,000,000 in Massive Private Token Sale

پاران روزاني هول - 2 سال اڳ - پڙهڻ جو وقت: 2 منٽ

Coinbase Lists Ethereum Rival That Raised $230,000,000 in Massive Private Token Sale

Cryptocurrency giant Coinbase is adding support for a top-20 altcoin that competes with Ethereum (ETH).

پئسنڪس چوي ٿو it is listing the smart contract platform Avalanche (AVAX) on its professional trading platform by first accepting inbound transfers and then allowing trading once liquidity reaches desired levels.


“Starting today, Wednesday, September 29, we will begin accepting inbound transfers of AVAX to Coinbase Pro. Trading will begin on or after 9AM Pacific Time (PT), Thursday, September 30, if liquidity conditions are met.”

The initial pairs that will be made available for trading are Avalanche versus the US dollar (AVAX/USD), the Tether stablecoin (AVAX/USDT), and the EURO (AVAX/EUR).

The US-based cryptocurrency exchange will initially only support Avalanche on Coinbase Pro before potentially rolling it out on the main platform and Coinbase’s mobile apps.

Coinbase’s support for AVAX is restricted to Avalanche’s C-Chain tokens. Avalanche has ٽي built-in blockchains – Contract Chain (C-Chain), Platform Chain (P-Chain), and Exchange Chain (X-Chain). C-Chain is the Avalanche blockchain dedicated to smart contracts.

AVAX’s listing on Coinbase comes nearly two weeks after the Avalanche Foundation revealed it had اٿاريو $230 million in a private token sale. The funds were meant to finance decentralized finance (DeFi), enterprise applications, and other projects in the Avalanche ecosystem.

Avalanche launched in September 2020 and says that more than 270 crypto projects are currently building on its public blockchain.

AVAX is trading at $64.78 at time of writing, according to ڪوين جيڪڪو. It is currently ranked 11th by market cap, roughly valued at over $14 billion.

بيٽ نه وڃايو - ۾ شريڪ ٿيو حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ توهان جي انباڪس ۾ سڌو crypto اي ميل الرٽس حاصل ٿيندو

اسان تي عمل ڪريو Twitter, ڪريو ۽ تار

سامونڊي لھرن ديلي هودل مکس  

تازيون خبرون گهرجون چيڪ ڪريو

دستبرداري: روزانه هڊل تي ظاهر ڪيل رايا سيڙپڪاري جا مشورا ناهن. ڪنهن به اعليٰ خطري ۾ سيڙپڪاري ڪرڻ کان پهريان سيڙپڪارن کي پنهنجو هوشياري ڪرڻ گهرجي Bitcoin، cryptocurrency يا ڊجيٽل اثاثو. مهرباني ڪري beاڻيو وڃي ٿو ته توهان جي منتقلي ۽ وڪرو توهان جي پنهنجي ذميواري تي آهن ، ۽ جيڪو نقصان توهان برداشت ڪري سگهو ٿا اها توهان جي ذميواري آهي. روزاني هودل ڪنهن cryptocurrency يا ڊجيٽل اثاثن جي خريد و فروخت جي سفارش نه ڪندو آهي ، ۽ نه ئي روزانه هودل سيڙپڪاري جو صلاحڪار آهي. مهرباني ڪري نوٽ ڪريو ته روزاني هلڊل الحاق مارڪيٽنگ ۾ حصو وٺندو آهي.

خاص تصوير: شٽ اسٽارڪ / گرينڊ ڊيوڪ

پوسٽ Coinbase Lists Ethereum Rival That Raised $230,000,000 in Massive Private Token Sale پهرين تي ظاهر ٿيو روزانه هلڊل.

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