ڊيفي مارڪيٽ $ 49.31 بلين ٽي وي ايل تي مستحڪم آهي، لڊو فنانس 24.82٪ شيئر سان پيڪ جي اڳواڻي ڪري ٿي

By Bitcoin.com - 11 مهينا ا - - پڙهڻ جو وقت: 2 منٽ

ڊيفي مارڪيٽ $ 49.31 بلين ٽي وي ايل تي مستحڪم آهي، لڊو فنانس 24.82٪ شيئر سان پيڪ جي اڳواڻي ڪري ٿي

اپريل 18، 2023 کان وٺي، مجموعي قدر بند ٿيل (TVL) decentralized finance (defi) ۾ صرف $50 بلين جي حد کان گهٽجي ويو آهي. اڄ تائين، ٽي وي ايل جي رقم 49.31 بلين ڊالر آهي، گذريل 1 ڪلاڪن اندر 24 سيڪڙو اضافو رجسٽر ٿيو.

ڊيفي ۾ ٽي وي ايل بهتري جي نشانين کي ڏيکاري ٿو، اڃا تائين 53 بلين ڊالر جي اڳوڻي رڪارڊ کي پار ڪرڻ لاء

Currently, the combined TVL across all defi platforms stands at 49.31 ارب $ as of May 6, 2023, with Lido Finance leading the pack by commanding a 24.82% share of $12.24 billion on Saturday. Over the past month, Lido’s TVL has grown by 9%, while posting a moderate 2.42% increase in the preceding week. The remaining top five candidates in today’s defi landscape include Makerdao, Aave, Curve Finance, and Uniswap; three out of these four experienced monthly downturns, with Uniswap being the exception by posting a 3.48% gain over the past 30 days.

Ethereum takes the lion’s share of this TVL with its 28.66 ارب $ accounting for over 58% of the defi market cap. Following Ethereum are other contenders such as Tron, BSC, Arbitrum, and Polygon who boast relatively large TVL statistics. Both Tron and Arbitrum have recorded monthly gains of 7.77% and 9.98%, respectively. However, BSC stands as the top defi-chain loser in terms of TVL losses from last month with a decrease of approximately 6.52%.

A sizable $16.416 billion worth of ايڇ (8,550,940 ايڇ) is locked in liquid staking platforms out of the entire $49.31 billion amount locked in defi systems today. The dominant liquid staking platforms for Ethereum are Lido, Coinbase, Rocket Pool, Frax, and Stakewise. Rocket Pool and Frax have witnessed impressive 30-day increases of 29.75% and 39.49%, respectively. Furthermore, the largest number of defi applications belongs to Ethereum with 771 protocols in total.

جڏهن ته Binance Smart Chain and Polygon follow Ethereum’s protocol count with 593 and 409 applications, respectively, Tron — the second-biggest defi blockchain — has only 18 associated protocols. However, Tron boasts the highest user base among the top five defi platforms with 2,538,896 participants. Ethereum’s active user count for its defi apps is approximately 332,548. Although the TVL in defi has shown signs of improvement in 2023, it has yet to surpass its previous record of $53 billion.

ڊفي مارڪيٽ جي موجوده حالت تي توهان جا خيال ڇا آهن؟ ڇا توهان سوچيو ٿا ته اهو جاري رهندو ۽ ان جي پوئين رڪارڊ کي وڌايو، يا اهو ايندڙ مهينن ۾ چئلينج کي منهن ڏيندو؟ ھيٺ ڏنل تبصرو سيڪشن ۾ پنھنجي بصيرت حصيداري ڪريو.

اصل ذريعو: Bitcoin.com