MicroStrategy Takes A $917 Million Impairment Loss On Its Bitcoin Stash As Crypto Prices Tumble

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MicroStrategy Takes A $917 Million Impairment Loss On Its Bitcoin Stash As Crypto Prices Tumble

MicroStrategy, the largest bitcoin holding-publicly-traded company in the world, took a non-cash digital asset impairment charge in the third quarter, up from $424 million in the second quarter, the latest filings have shown.

اڱاري جي اعلان ۾، ڪمپني اهو پڻ ظاهر ڪيو ته مائيڪل سائلر، جيڪو 1989 ۾ مائڪرو اسٽريٽجي جي بنياد تي ۽ ان کي 1998 ۾ عوام ۾ آڻڻ کان وٺي بورڊ جي چيف ايگزيڪيوٽو آفيسر ۽ چيئرمين طور ڪم ڪري چڪو آهي، ايگزيڪيوٽو چيئرمين جي حيثيت سان نئين ڪردار کي فرض ڪرڻ لاء قدم کڻي رهيو هو. فونگ لي، جيڪو 2020 کان صدر طور ڪم ڪري چڪو آهي، ٻين ايگزيڪيوٽو پوزيشنن جي وچ ۾، سائلر کي صدر ۽ چيف ايگزيڪيوٽو آفيسر طور تبديل ڪندو.

"I believe that splitting the roles of Chairman and CEO will enable us to better pursue our two corporate strategies of acquiring and holding bitcoin and growing our enterprise analytics software business.” سائلر چيو. “As Executive Chairman I will be able to focus more on our bitcoin acquisition strategy and related bitcoin advocacy initiatives, while Phong will be empowered as CEO to manage overall corporate operations.”

The latest filing and subsequent shake-up in the company’s top leadership come on the heels of the company falling in the red on its Bitcoin stash following a brutal crypto winter. Nevertheless, Michael Saylor has maintained that the company is ready to face the challenging market conditions and defend its Bitcoin جڳهه.

MicroStrategy’s CFO Andrew Kang echoed those sentiments in an earnings conference call, stating that the company has about 85,000 unpledged Bitcoin available should its obligations to Silvergate bank fall due. “اسان وٽ ڪنهن به قيمت جي عدم استحڪام لاءِ ڪافي ضمانت کان وڌيڪ آهي“ ڪانگ چيو.

جڏهن کان ڪمپني 2020 ۾ cryptocurrency خريد ڪرڻ شروع ڪيو، اهو جاري آهي buy more Bitcoin, with the total stash value swelling to about $8 billion when BTC tapped $68,000 in November 2021. As of writing, it holds some 129,699 bitcoins with an average cost of $30,664 per bitcoin. However, the market value of those holdings has dropped to roughly $3.03 billion today, with BTC plunging hard in the past ten months.

Last month, Tesla, another prominent company with sizeable Bitcoin جات، اٽڪل 75 سيڪڙو اڇلائي ڇڏيو ڪمپني جي عملن کي جاري رکڻ لاءِ ان جي ذخيرن جو. مائيڪل سائلر، بهرحال، برقرار رکيو آهي ته انهن جو ڪو به ارادو نه آهي انهن جا سڪا وڪڻڻ ۽ وڌيڪ خريداري جاري رکندي جيئن نقد وهڪري جي اجازت. 

لکڻ جي لحاظ کان، Bitcoin is at $23,056 after a 1.90% increase in the past 24 hours based on data from CoinMarketCap.

اصل ذريعو: زائي ڪرپٽٽو