Sri Lanka Central Bank Says Bitcoin Cannot Solve Economic Crisis

By Bitcoinist - 1 سال اڳ - پڙهڻ جو وقت: 3 منٽ

Sri Lanka Central Bank Says Bitcoin Cannot Solve Economic Crisis

ارب پتي سيڙپڪار ٽم ڊرپر ملي سريلنڪا جي تجويز پيش ڪرڻ وقت هن جي توقع کان وڌيڪ مشڪل استقبال، اي ديوال قوم، جي طرف Bitcoin.

ڊرپر اڱارو ڏينهن سري لنڪا ۾ هو، cryptocurrency اپنائڻ جي باري ۾ مقامي انٽرپرينينئرز سان ڳالهائيندي. ان معاملي جي حوالي سان ان ڏينهن ملڪ جي صدر رانيل وڪرما سنگهي سان ملاقات ڪئي.

Draper ملڪ ڏانهن ويو مرڪزي ڪناري to present the same pitch. However, Governor Nandalal Weerasinghe, who is still working on fixing the nation’s financial challenges, did not embrace the idea. The central bank governor responded that Bitcoin adoption in Sri Lanka wouldn’t be a 100% reality.

Weerasinghe said introducing Bitcoin would worsen the crisis; therefore, they are still deciding to take that route. The government official stated that other technologies could be effectively used in financial services to promote social inclusion and quickly disburse funds to those in need.

Financial Crises Driving Nations To Bitcoin

Draper described Sri Lanka as a corrupt nation during the meeting and fronted cryptocurrency as a solution. He argued that Sri Lanka, a country known for its mineral resources, could have addressed its corruption by keeping perfect records through Bitcoin گود وٺڻ.

Last year, Sri Lanka faced one the worst-ever economic crisis in its history, which drove prices up and caused shortages of food and fuel supplies across the nation. As a result, such difficulties stirred protests that forced President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to flee the country and later announce his resignation.

Sri Lanka is currently in talks with a group of private creditors from Japan, China, and India to restructure its debt in line with the IMF’s plan. The country is restructuring its debt payments of about $51 billion out of $28 billion, which has to be repaid by 2027.

According to Draper, Sri Lanka can address its financial crisis through Bitcoin adoption. The billionaire investor views the cryptocurrency as a good store of value, not subject to government or central-bank policy changes.

اجلاس ۾، Draper ايل سلواڊور جو حوالو ڏنو. هن قوم اختيار ڪئي Bitcoin هڪ قانوني ٽینڈر جي طور تي ان جي حڪومت کان پوءِ مالي شموليت ۽ معاشي ترقي کي وڌائڻ لاءِ crypto قبول ڪيو.

Countries like Zimbabwe, Turkey, and Venezuela also witness ongoing financial crises. They are suffering from hyperinflations, and as a result, their citizens have been increasingly turning to cryptocurrency as a means of exchange and a store of value.

Draper جي مطابق، Bitcoin is one of the essential tools for humanity to overcome financial crises. He believes investors should continue seeking opportunities by investing directly in Bitcoin and its underlying technology (Blockchain).

Bitcoin قيمت ايڪشن

اڄ، Bitcoin is trading at $23,633 with a trading volume of $30.7 billion. Bitcoin has been down 0.93% in the last 24 hours. The cryptocurrency’s price rose by 3.22% in the previous seven days.

Bitcoin’s value fell in November following the downfall of the FTX exchange, a plunge that rendered the cryptocurrency trading below $17,000 for several weeks. The cryptocurrency has so far recovered its value from November’s crash, boosted by institutional adoption.

جاري مختصر واڌ جي باوجود، cryptocurrency نومبر 70 ۾ رڪارڊ ڪيل 69,000 ڊالر کان مٿي ٿيڻ کان وٺي پنهنجي قدر جو 2021 سيڪڙو کان وڌيڪ وڃائي چڪو آهي. ٽم ڊرپر اڃا تائين تيز آهي، هو مڃڻ پرچم بردار cryptocurrency هن سال $ 250,000 کي ماريندو.

اصل ذريعو: Bitcoinآهي