The 500 BTC Blind Trust to Foster Bitcoin Adoption, Btrust, Announces First Steps

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The 500 BTC Blind Trust to Foster Bitcoin Adoption, Btrust, Announces First Steps

It’s time for the Btrust to start making moves. And they did so by announcing their “to-do list” and “high level goals.” A month ago, Block CEO Jack Dorsey and rapper and entrepreneur Jay-Z announced the members of the board for their 500 BTC blind trust. Btrust’s purpose is to “make bitcoin the internet’s currency” and their field of action is Africa and India. 

هيلو ورلڊ

اسان ₿ اعتماد قائم ڪرڻ تي سخت محنت ڪري رهيا آهيون. شروع ڪرڻ لاءِ، اسان ٽوڙي ڇڏيو آھي پنھنجي ڪم جي فهرست کي اعليٰ سطحي مقصدن جي سيٽ ۾.

انهن ڪمن مان هر هڪ محتاط خيال جي ضرورت آهي. اسان ايندڙ هفتي ۾ انفرادي شيون تي ڪميونٽي کان راء جي درخواست ڪنداسين!

— btrustteam (@btrustteam) January 11, 2022

Said members of the board took charge and recently showed the world what they’ve been working on since they did so. “Each of these tasks require careful thought. We’ll be requesting feedback from the community on individual items in the weeks to come!,” Btrust said in its inaugural Twitter thread. Before going through those tasks, though, let’s remember who those members are. At the time, NewsBTC reported:

“The blind trust’s board members are: Ojoma Ochai, Obi Nwosu, Abubakar Nur Khalil, and Carla Kirk-Cohen, the only South African of the bunch. By just casually looking at their Twitter feeds it becomes obvious that they’re all thoroughly dedicated to Bitcoin already.”

Related Reading | South African Man Loses $900,000 Worth Of Bitcoin After Accidentally Deleting Keys

In a recent interview with Blockworks, 22-years old Abubakar Nur Khalil said:

”اهو اسان لاءِ تمام ضروري آهي ته ان کي جيترو ٿي سگهي شفاف رکون ،“ هن چيو. "اسان پروسيس بابت گهڻو ڪجهه ڳالهائينداسين، اسان جي سوچ ۽ شيون جيڪي اسان اڳتي وڌڻ وارا آهيون بنيادي طور تي Twitter ذريعي."

۽ ائين ئي ڪيائون. اچو ته اهو معلوم ڪريون ته اهو عمل ڪهڙو نظر اچي ٿو ۽ ڇا Btrust ايندڙ مهينن ۾ ڪم ڪندو.

BTC price chart for 01/12/2022 on Coinbase | Source: BTC/USD on Btrust’s Guiding Principles And Jurisdiction

هيٺين Bitcoin’s lead, the first thing the Btrust will do is to establish “Genesis Principles.” In other words, “Btrust’s vision will be laid out in an immutable set of principles.” Everybody involved in the organization will follow them, and there will be the option of using soft-forks and hard-forks to resolve disagreements or to accommodate different visions. 

There’s another caveat, “Boards are bound to act in accordance with the principles, but the implementation is their prerogative. This provides flexibility, while staying true to Btrust’s vision.” So far, so good. This all sounds very Bitcoiny.

2⃣ Implement Principles

اسان اهو بيان ڪنداسين ته اسان پنهنجي ڪم ۾ هر اصول کي ڪيئن لاڳو ڪرڻ وارا آهيون.

بورڊ اصولن جي مطابق عمل ڪرڻ جا پابند آهن، پر عمل درآمد انهن جو اختيار آهي.

هي لچڪ فراهم ڪري ٿو، جڏهن ته ₿ اعتماد جي نظر ۾ سچي رهي.

— btrustteam (@btrustteam) January 11, 2022

ايندڙ قدم اهم آهي، "اداري ۽ دائري اختيار." Btrust ڪهڙي دائري اختيار تحت ڪم ڪندو؟ اهي ڪهڙي قسم جو ادارو چونڊيندا؟ "Btrust ملازمن کي ڀرتي ڪرڻ، بورڊ کي معاهدو ڪرڻ ۽ نمائندن کي جوابده رکڻ لاءِ قانوني نظام فراهم ڪرڻ لاءِ هڪ رسمي ادارو جي ضرورت آهي." 

ان حوالي سان نور خليل بلاڪ ورڪرز کي ٻڌايو ته:

“We’re looking at starting with Africa initially, but then gradually expanding into other regions in the global South,” Nur Khalil said. “So that’s places like India as well. And then in general, with regards to the overall vision, we feel there’s so many disparities in some of these regions like Africa in terms of the actual amount of talented developers versus those of them that are actually working on Bitcoin. "

حراست ۽ ڪميونيڪيشن

This is a great opportunity to test out Bitcoin’s multisig superpowers. “We will work on a proposal outlining various custody solutions, with the end goal of safely taking custody of the 500 BTC.” Also, important for people out there looking for opportunities, Btrust will be hiring “a full time lead to manage daily operations.”

5⃣ Recruit a Lead

Once we’ve delivered 1⃣,2⃣ and 3⃣, we will be looking to hire a full time lead to manage daily operations of ₿trust.

This is one of the most important board responsibilities, and we’re looking forward to finding somebody to bring ₿tust's vision to life!

— btrustteam (@btrustteam) January 11, 2022

Last but not least, they’ll create some way of communicating with all of you. “We’re committed to building Btrust with input from the Bitcoin community. For now, we’ll be using twitter to communicate our progress, but it’s not scalable.” And they’ll raise funds to set up the organization. “We want to take our time to think about our approach to custody & company formation. This is a prerequisite for any investment. We’ll create a separate plan for how to cover any required set up funding.”

لاڳاپيل پڙهڻ | سرپل بي ٽي سي جاري ڪري ٿو لائٽنگ ڊولپمينٽ کٽ. جيڪ ڊورسي جي پوپٽ ان کي فروغ ڏئي ٿو

ان حوالي سان نور خليل بلاڪ ورڪرز کي ٻڌايو ته:

”جنهن کي اسان بهتر بڻائڻ جي ڪوشش ڪري رهيا آهيون اها ڪوشش ڪري رهيا آهيون شيون آهستي آهستي ڪرڻ جي ڇاڪاڻ ته اتي تمام گهڻو آهي ۽ اسان صرف ماحولياتي نظام کي نه ڏسنداسين ۽ صرف ان تي پئسو اڇلائينداسين. اسان کي اڃا تائين محتاط رهڻو پوندو ته اثر ڇا آهي.

Great work so far, Btrust. We at NewsBTC are looking forward to covering your next steps and seeing what the future brings for the organization, Bitcoin, Africa, and India.

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