Top Meme Coins by Market Capitalization Shed Billions, DOGE Down % 80 since All-time High

By - 2 سال اڳ - پڙهڻ جو وقت: 2 منٽ

Top Meme Coins by Market Capitalization Shed Billions, DOGE Down % 80 since All-time High

جيئن ته ڊجيٽل اثاثن جي مارڪيٽن گذريل ٻن هفتن دوران اھم قدر وڌائي ڇڏيو آھي، منڊي جي سرمائيداري جي مٿاھين يادگيري سکن آمريڪي ڊالر جي مقابلي ۾ گھڻو ڪري ڇڏيو آھي. مٿين يادگيري اثاثو dogecoin گذريل ستن ڏينهن ۾ 23.9٪ وڃائي ڇڏيو آهي، جڏهن ته شيبا انو جي قيمت هن هفتي 31.1٪ گهٽجي وئي.

Dogecoin ھيٺ 80٪ کان وٺي آل ٽائم هاء، شيبا انو ھيٺ 75٪ کان اعلي

On Monday, January 24, 2022, the top meme coins by market capitalization have lost 3.1% over the last day. Currently, the myriad of meme tokens today account for $36 billion of the $1.7 trillion crypto economy. ڪتن جو (DOGE) has lost 23.9% this past week, and roughly 27.6% over the last month. To date, dogecoin is still up 1,486% against the U.S. dollar since this time last year.

Dogecoin’s market valuation of around $17.8 billion, is 1.05% of the crypto economy’s overall capitalization. The crypto asset’s 24-hour price range has been between $0.143480 to $0.126030 per DOGE. The second-largest crypto-asset شيبا انو (SHIB) is down 30.6% over the last seven days and 42.1% during the last month.

SHIB’s market valuation of around $$11.7 billion represents 0.68% of the entire crypto-economy on January 24. SHIB’s 24-hour price range has been between $0.00002282 to $0.00001894 per unit. The combined market caps of both ڊجو ۽ ايس ايڇ equate to $29.5 billion or 81.94% of the $36 billion meme coin economy.

Dogecoin and shiba inu are not the only meme coins that saw significant weekly dumps percentage-wise. ٻار doge coin (BABYDOGE) shed 32.5% this past week and spell token (SPELL) lost 52.9% over the last seven days. However, a relatively unknown token called boxer inu (BOXER) managed to climb 108.6% this week.

Below BOXER was the old version of hotdoge (HOTDOGE), which gained 11.1% during the week. Vitoge, luni, and smugdoge also gained between 3% to 4.8% during the last week. Jomon shiba, cat token, and meta doge lost the most this week, shedding between 58% to 58.9% in value against the U.S. dollar.

گذريل سال ۾ تمام گهڻو تبديل ٿي چڪو آهي جيئن ته meme سکن جو تعلق آهي جيئن ته dogecoin جي مارڪيٽ ڪيپ هڪ ڀيرو اڄ جي سڄي meme ٽوڪن معيشت کان وڏي هئي. DOGE ۽ SHIB کلون جي وڏي قسم شايد انهن ٻن سکن کي متاثر ڪيو هجي جيئن ماڻهن کي ايندڙ dogecoin بادشاهه کي ڳولڻ جي ڪوشش ڪئي. اڄ اتي ٻه درجن کان وڌيڪ يادگار سڪا آهن جن ۾ اصطلاح ”ڪتا“ شامل آهي ۽ ٻيا ٻه درجن لفظ ”شِب“ سان گڏ ٽوڪن جي نالي ۾ شامل آهن.

توهان ڇا ٿا سوچيو meme coin معيشت بابت گذريل ستن ڏينهن دوران اهم قدر شيڊنگ؟ اچو ته ڄاڻون ٿا ته توهان هن موضوع بابت هيٺ ڏنل تبصري سيڪشن ۾ ڇا سوچيو.

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