وڪيميڊيا فائونڊيشن ماحولياتي خدشات جي حوالي سان cryptocurrency عطيا جي قبوليت تي بحث ڪري ٿو

By Bitcoin.com - 2 سال اڳ - پڙهڻ جو وقت: 4 منٽ

وڪيميڊيا فائونڊيشن ماحولياتي خدشات جي حوالي سان cryptocurrency عطيا جي قبوليت تي بحث ڪري ٿو

Mozilla جي ماحولياتي خدشن جي ڪري crypto عطيا کي روڪڻ جي فيصلي جي پٺيان، وڪيميڊيا فائونڊيشن ڪميونٽي جي ڪيترن ئي ميمبرن هڪ تجويز پيش ڪئي آهي جيڪا بنياد کي ڊجيٽل ڪرنسي عطيا قبول ڪرڻ کان روڪڻ لاء چيو آهي. پروپوزل وضاحت ڪري ٿو ته crypto عطيو "سگنل [an] cryptocurrency space جي توثيق،" ۽ اهو پڻ چوي ٿو ته "Cryptocurrencies شايد وڪيميڊيا فائونڊيشن جي ماحولياتي استحڪام جي عزم سان نه هجن."

تجويز ڪيل دعوائون Cryptocurrencies شايد وڪيميڊيا فائونڊيشن سان گڏ نه هجن

Members of the Wikimedia Foundation are voting on a proposal that could stop the foundation from accepting digital currencies like bitcoin and ethereum. The U.S. non-profit قبول ڪرڻ شروع ڪيو crypto assets in 2019 via Bitpay. “We accept donations globally, and we strive to provide a large variety of donation options. It’s very important that we can get international donations processed in ways that are efficient and cost-effective,” Pats Pena, director of payments and operations at Wikimedia Foundation said at the time.

جڏهن ته، هڪ تجويز submitted by the user dubbed “Gorillawarfare” claims that accepting crypto donations goes against specific Wikimedia Foundation principles. “Cryptocurrencies may not align with the Wikimedia Foundation’s commitment to environmental sustainability. Bitcoin and ethereum are the two most highly-used cryptocurrencies, and are both proof-of-work, using an enormous amount of energy,” the proposal says.

While the proposal mentions the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index it leverages a lot of the research done by the Digiconomist’s Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index. The proposal seems to have a lot of support as voting members left comments signaling affirmation. “Long overdue. Accepting cryptocurrency makes a joke out of the WMF’s commitment to environmental sustainability,” Wikimedia user Gamaliel said. However, not everyone agreed and in fact, there are a great number of people who voiced the opposite opinion. In reply to Gamaliel’s statement, for instance, one person wrote:

ڇا توهان کي خبر آهي ته روايتي بئنڪنگ سسٽم پڻ توانائي استعمال ڪري ٿو؟

انفرادي اصرار ڪري ٿو 'هر نقطو غلط ۽ / يا گمراهه ڪندڙ آهي'

There is some discussion from a few people’s submitted comments that insists Wikimedia Foundation members should realize the U.S. dollar is backed by significant amounts of carbon energy ۽ worst of all, state-enforced violence. One person explained that each point that Gorillawarfare brought up in the proposal “is untrue and/or misleading.” For example, the point about being aligned with the crypto industry’s so-called values. The individual retorted that “this is not true, any more than accepting USD signals endorsement of the U.S. Dollar or the U.S. Government.”

In reply to the environmental concerns Gorillawarfare introduced in the proposal, the individual explained that the proposal’s point is conflated. “The proposal conflates the existence of Bitcoin to merely using it,” the Wikimedia Foundation member Awwright opined. “The proposal does not demonstrate that dropping acceptance of Bitcoin (or other cryptocurrency) will actually have an effect. As a technical matter, there is no direct relationship between making a Bitcoin transaction and energy usage (that’s significantly more than the domestic banking system).”

مبصرن Digiconomist کان تعصب جي اسٽيمنگ کي اجاگر ڪيو

Furthermore, there are many complaints about Gorillawarfare citing the Digiconomist, as the researcher’s work has been widely dismissed over inaccuracies and extreme bias. “Digiconomist is a blog run by Alex de Vries, who is an ملازم of De Nederlandsche Bank NV (DNB), the central bank of the Netherlands, which is a direct competitor to Bitcoin,” one of the comments against Gorillawarfare’s proposal notes. Another individual explained that the Digiconomist’s work is غلط آهي, as many others have discovered, and the Digiconomist’s work is loaded with discrepancies. One individual wrote:

Digiconomist صرف متعصب ۽ تڪراري ناهي. ڊي ويريس پاڻ شايع ٿيل آهي، ان جو ڪوبه ايڊيٽوريل جائزو وٺڻ وارو عمل ناهي ۽ هو حقيقت جي جانچ ۽ درستگي لاءِ خراب شهرت رکي ٿو.

لکڻ جي وقت تي، اهڙا ڪيترائي ماڻهو آهن جيڪي گوريلوارفيئر پاران پيش ڪيل تجويز جي خلاف آهن، پر ووٽن ۽ تبصرن جو وڏو حصو هن خيال جي حمايت ڪن ٿا. اهو لڳي ٿو crypto ڪميونٽي ۽ پروف-آف-ڪم (PoW) جي حامي کي وڌيڪ محنت ڪرڻ گهرجي افسانن کي ختم ڪرڻ لاءِ جيڪي گردش ڪري رهيا آهن مکيه اسٽريم ميڊيا پنڊٽس، پراڻي مالي محافظ، ۽ ادا ڪيل اپوزيشن محققن کان.

وڪيميڊيا فائونڊيشن جي تجويز جي باري ۾ توهان ڇا ٿا سوچيو ته فائونڊيشن ماحولياتي خدشات جي ڪري crypto اثاثن کي قبول ڪرڻ بند ڪري ٿي؟ اچو ته ڄاڻون ٿا ته توهان هن موضوع بابت هيٺ ڏنل تبصري سيڪشن ۾ ڇا سوچيو.

اصل ذريعو: Bitcoin.com