A Case For Unions And Bitcoin

By Bitcoin Časopis - pred 2 rokmi - Čas čítania: 11 minút

A Case For Unions And Bitcoin

How unions and Bitcoin both serve to protect the interests of working people through dissemination of governance.

I am part of a subset of Local Union (ATU1555) based out of Oakland, California, proposing that our union allocate a percentage of our treasury and monthly union dues to bitcoin.

I wish I could take credit for the original ATU1555BITCOIN idea, but I cannot. After our tenth or probably more like twentieth bitcoin breakroom discussion, the former president of our local asked if I had ever considered how bitcoin could be applied to the union.

Odpoveď na túto otázku bola „Nie, nemal som“. V skutočnosti som sa nikdy predtým nezúčastnil na stretnutí odborov a mal som len malú interakciu s tým, čo odbor urobil, alebo som o tom nevedel, okrem zastupovania členov, ktorí čelili disciplinárnemu konaniu.

ATU1555BITCOIN Is Birthed

November 26, 2020 was the day the ATU155BITCOIN idea was birthed; the date I remember only because I was working a holiday (Thanksgiving) shift at a time and location that I haven't worked since.

When the union and bitcoin idea was originally raised, it went in one ear and out the other. Not because it wasn't a great idea; I had come to the conclusion a couple of years prior that Bitcoin could and would empower anyone and anything. Still, between my never having stepped foot in our union hall and not being aware of any unions that were involved with bitcoin, it didn't instantly dawn on me how our union could specifically benefit from it.

Rýchly posun vpred o niekoľko mesiacov neskôr na 8. február 2021, deň, keď sa Tesla zapísala do histórie nielen svojím $ 1.5 miliardy bitcoin buy and accept announcement but also making Bitcoin headlines that day (as if the Tesla buy wasn't news enough) was Miami Mayor Francis Suarez's announcement that he was working on a resolution to pridať Bitcoin to the city's balance sheet.

MicroStrategy robí svoju históriu $ 250 miliónov bitcoin purchase on August 11, 2020, was a big deal to bitcoin proponents such as myself, but for a household brand such as Tesla (which has a Výrobné a kancelárske priestory s rozlohou 370 akrov desať míľ od jedného z našich miesta pracovných výkazov) to add bitcoin to its balance sheet was a story anyone could resonate with — Tesla's bitcoin purchase was a big deal for the world.

Mayor Suarez's bitcoin announcement was the icing to Tesla's bitcoin buy cake, and it was now clear that it was time for me to revisit that fine idea from a few months back to see if it would be possible for our union to follow the lead set by MicroStrategy, Tesla and maybe now even Miami by allocating a percentage of our treasury to bitcoin.

Bitcoin Is Code For What Unions Stand For In Theory

Regardless of if you are a die-hard bitcoin maximalist or a staunch union activist, chances are you've never considered how aligned unions are with Bitcoin's ethos.

Only after months of research and consideration did I conclude that the alignment between unions and bitcoin is so strong that I now contend that bitcoin is code for many of the principles that unions stand for in theory.

The Synergies Between Unions And Bitcoin Patrí:

Odbory sú univerzálne: Odbory zastupujú a chránia záujmy pracujúcich ľudí na celom svete.

Bitcoin Is Universal: Bitcoin is permissionless and borderless. Every second of every day, someone somewhere in the world is benefiting from Bitcoin's monetary properties.

Odbory sú decentralizované: Odbory dávajú pracovníkom možnosť zasadnúť za rozhodovací stôl tým, že využívajú rôzne taktiky, ktoré bránia zamestnávateľom mať monopol na riadenie.

Bitcoin Is Decentralized: Through and through Bitcoin is decentralized in ways that can't be replicated. Voluntary and often anonymous network participants are dispersed worldwide, making Bitcoin the most secure, distributed, and neutral network in the world.

Odbory sú demokratické: Voľby vedenia odborov, zmeny stanov a návrhy sa riadia základnou normou jedna osoba, jeden hlas.

Bitcoin Is Democratic: Bitcoin's proof-of-work consensus mechanism (how transactions are validated) and Bitcoin's governance (how the protocol's ruleset is decided) are at their core, a type of vote.

Odbory sú sloboda: Odbory zastupujú a chránia záujmy pracujúcich tým, že zabezpečujú, aby sa s pracovníkmi zaobchádzalo spravodlivo, dôstojne a aby sa mohli uchádzať ako slobodní jednotlivci s právami. Právo na vytvorenie únie je princípom slobody.

Bitcoin Is Freedom: There’s no personal freedom without economic freedom, and Bitcoin economically empowers millions of people in ways inconceivable prior to Bitcoin.

Odbory chránia práva pracovníkov: Odbory prostredníctvom štrajku, legislatívnej reformy, kolektívneho vyjednávania a iných taktík chránia práva pracujúcich ľudí.

Bitcoin Protects Property Rights: Bitcoin is permissionless money that is uncensorable and unconfiscatable in that third parties aren't necessary in order to acquire, store or transact in bitcoin.

Odbory sa zameriavajú na odporcov manažérov/politikov/zamestnávateľov ktorí sa pozerajú zachovať status quo ktorá ich nespravodlivo zvýhodňuje.

Bitcoin Is Targeted By Adversarial Media/Politicians/Bankers ktorí chcú zachovať status quo ktorá ich nespravodlivo zvýhodňuje.

Odbory sa vyvinuli v dôsledku krízy: The unions that we know today, which represent all workers, were the result of the Great Depression. Before the Great Depression, unions predominantly represented "skilled" workers and openly diskriminované menšiny.

Bitcoin Evolved Due To A Crisis: Bitcoin (the first successful implementation of "cryptocurrency" which was first coined in 1998 od Wei Dai) bol vydaný 3. januára 2009 ako symptóm a alternatíva krehkého, nespravodlivého a brutálneho finančného systému, ktorý sa počas finančnej krízy v roku 2008 priblížil k trvalej platobnej neschopnosti.

Power pár

While it's nice that unions and Bitcoin share much in common, the real opportunity lies in the fact that if unions and the Bitcoin community were to form a coalition, the magnitude of the impact this affiliation could have would only be comparable to the AFL/CIO (Americká federácia práce a Kongres priemyselných organizácií)/komunistické/socialistické strany koalícia z 1930. rokov XNUMX. storočia, ktorá viedla k pravdepodobne najvýznamnejším reformám v histórii Ameriky; a Nová dohoda.

Though it is true that unions are not in full accordance with Bitcoin's ethos, let us not forget that there were lapače moci, rozdiely vo filozofii, nedôvera a dokonca záchvaty násilia medzi AFL/CIO/komunistickými/socialistickými stranami. Ale pretože tieto organizácie boli schopné vidieť prekrývanie svojich cieľov a zosúladiť kľúčové body, dokázali spoločne dosiahnuť veci, ktoré by ako jednotlivé organizácie pravdepodobne nedokázali dosiahnuť.

Únia silná

"With all their faults, trade-unions have done more for humanity than any other organization of men that ever existed. They have done more for decency, for honesty, for education, for the betterment of the race, for the developing of character in man, than any other association of men." - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer and leading member of the American Civil Liberties Union

Odbory pravdepodobne zastupujú ľudí viac ako ktorákoľvek iná inštitúcia a sú zodpovedné za mnohé z vecí, ktoré dnes považujeme za samozrejmosť, ako napríklad:

Koniec detskej práce Víkend40-hodinový pracovný týždeň8-hodinový pracovný deňPodpora v nezamestnanostiZákony o odmeňovaní pracovníkovZdravotné poistenie na základe zamestnávateľa

Ale akokoľvek môžu byť odbory legendárne a dôležité, ak prijmete premisu, že odbory existujú nielen na ochranu práv pracovníkov, ale aj na zastupovanie záujmov pracujúceho človeka, je jasné, že odbory môžu v tomto smere urobiť oveľa viac, než oni sami. v súčasnosti robia.

Miera účasti v únii v USA klesla zo svojho maxima 35 % v roku 1945 na 10% v roku 2020 while income, wealth, and opportunity gaps haven't been this inequitable since pred Veľkou hospodárskou krízou.

Tieto skutočnosti naznačujú, že pracujúci ľudia, odbory a spoločnosť ako celok by boli na tom lepšie, keby odbory boli efektívnejšie pri realizácii svojich cieľov.

Ak čo Bitcoin has achieved in its thirteen years of existence is an indicator, Bitcoin is unlikely to be going away anytime soon and as was the case with corporations, banks and now governments, sooner or later, unions will have to recognize Bitcoin and consider how it could help unions further their agenda.

Bitcoin: What's In It For Unions

Členstvo v Únii USA je na ústupe

Veľká časť sily odborov pochádza z jej členov a miera členstva v odboroch v USA klesla zo svojho maxima 35 % v roku 1945 na približne 10% v roku 2020.

For unions to align with Bitcoin would better position unions to

Oslovte mladšie generácieProvide value to workers in new unique waysAdapt to current times and environment Reinvent what it is to be in a union Leverage technology

To všetko by mohlo výrazne pomôcť odborom znížiť úbytok členskej základne.

Odbory môžu diverzifikovať svoje podniky

"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value: zero." - Voltaire, French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher

January 21, 2020, famed investor Ray Dalio famously declared on CNBC that "hotovosť je odpad, okay? because they are going to print more." Then from March 2020 to March 2021 America's central bank proceeded to zvýšiť celkovú peňažnú zásobu o viac ako 30%.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the dollar has lost 85% of its value since 1971 (the year President Richard Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard) and 96% of its value since 1913 (the year the Federal Reserve Board was established), according to the Kalkulačka inflácie Federálneho rezervného systému USA.

Aby únia nedržala celú svoju pokladnicu v hotovosti alebo ekvivalentoch hotovosti diverzifikáciou percenta svojej pokladnice do alternatívneho peňažného a menového systému, ktorý od svojho vzniku generuje výnosy viac ako 200 % ročne, nie je riskantné vo svete, kde primárna rezerva mena zažíva 6.8 % inflácia spotrebiteľských cien a domy sa zhodnocujú o 20 % za jeden rok.

Zdroj: Visual Capitalist

Prejavte princípy únie novými jedinečnými spôsobmi

Odbory majú vo veľkej miere záviselo od kolektívne vyjednávanie, štrajky a legislatívna reforma od 19. storočia s cieľom podnietiť zmeny.

Employers have been investing in technology designed to reduce the role of workers since the employee/employer dynamic began; with bitcoin, unions now have an opportunity to be the benefactor of technological advances by adopting what may prove to be the most disruptive technology of our generation, that would allow unions to proactively further their agenda of representing and protecting workers in ways that have never before been possible.

Bitcoin pevnosť

While some may value fiat currency because it's backed by "muži so zbraňami" as Nobel Prize-winning author Paul Krugman would say, others prefer gold because it has “intrinsic value” in that it's used in bling and cell phones.

naopak, Bitcoiners covet bitcoin because it is a neutral, uncensorable, unconfiscatable, permissionless money with superior inherent monetary properties, such as its portability, scarcity, recognizability, durability and divisibility.

Because of its unique qualities and monetary properties, bitcoin has the potential to give humanity a type of economic freedom the world has never known, from the start-up merchants in El Salvador who lack the payment systems to process digital transactions, to the Micheal Saylors of the world who due to inflation are watching their companies’ billions melt away like an ice cube on a summer day, to the Venezuelas of the world who are being crushed by ekonomické sankcie vedie k väčšiemu zúfalstvu ako vaša typická vojna.

Potenciál bitcoin has to positively impact humanity is far too great for unions to dismiss. Unions have an opportunity to ally with a purpose-aligned Bitcoin movement that could be a symbiotic relationship that would help unions regain their influence.

Unions: What's In It For Bitcoin?

"Bitcoin’s greatest threat is its success" - Ray Dalio - billionaire hedge fund founder

Obrana proti nadmernej regulácii

Od Bitcoin community aligning with unions, politicians will have to consider the political fallout that would result from their supporting anti-bitcoin legislation when a significant percentage of their constituents understands and has benefited from bitcoin because of their direct or indirect association with a pro-bitcoin únie.

Odbory majú za sebou históriu legislatívneho lobovania, prispievania k politickým kampaniam a legislatívnej reforme, ktorá sa datuje do neskorej doby 19th storočia a majú osvedčené výsledky zvýšenie volebnej účasti v politických voľbách nielen medzi členmi, ale aj medzi pracovníkmi mimo odborov.

Bitcoin veľryby

Since it's impossible to estimate the number of people and institutions who own multiple bitcoin peňaženky, Správy Že bitcoin inequality is worse than the wealth inequality of the United States as a whole — where podľa Federálneho rezervného systému 1 % domácností vlastní asi tretinu všetkého bohatstva — nemožno to považovať za fakt.

However, part of Bitcoin's original promise was to be more equitable than the fiat dollar-based system that we have today, and Bitcoin could be doing better as it pertains to the concentration of bitcoin in the hands of whales and non-decentralized institutions.

Zatiaľ čo Bitcoiners understand that Bitcoin's equality properties lie predominantly in Bitcoin’s hard, neutral, incorruptible level playing field qualities that will result in any Bitcoin standard system being far more equitable than the fiat system we have today, it would still be a win for both Bitcoin and the world if bitcoin were better distributed; unions aligning with Bitcoin would be a driver of more diverse adoption.

Zvýšené povedomie/porozumenie/prijatie

I shudder a bit every time a union member asks me "which Bitcoin?" in response to me asking their general thoughts on Bitcoin.

The percentage of people who still believe you have to buy a whole bitcoin in order to purchase it, assume that bitcoin and cryptocurrency are synonymous, or think of bitcoin in the same way they think of stock, is significant.

Bitcoin has a market cap comparable to Tesla, Meta (Facebook) and Nvidia, yet people's understanding of what Tesla, Meta and even Nvidia does is significantly greater than people who understand Bitcoin, which is indicative of a major disconnect as it relates to people's knowledge about Bitcoin.

Bitcoin community aligning with unions would reduce this disconnect.


“A macro forecast that’s easy to make, and that's that the gap between the wealthiest and the poorest, it will get closed. History always does it. It typically happens in one of three ways either through revolution, higher taxes or wars; none of those are on my bucket list.” - Paul Tudor Jones - billionaire hedge fund founder

As described in this article, both unions and Bitcoin have a once in every century opportunity to grow bigger, better and stronger by forming a coalition with an equally formidable movement that is in congruence with their core objectives.

Unions and Bitcoin are too vital to the trajectory of humanity for this opportunity not to be explored.

On January 12, 2022, ATU1555BITCOIN will vote on whether to allocate a percentage of our union treasury and monthly dues to bitcoin.

Regardless of whether the fund passes or not, ATU1555BITCOIN has the building blocks for what will serve as a template that unions globally will be able to refer to in their attempts to align with the Bitcoin pohyb.

The best time for unions and the Bitcoin community to form a coalition was yesterday, but the next best time is today.

Unions and Bitcoin now, because the stakes don't get higher.

This is a guest post by the ATU1555 Bitcoin Fund. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin časopis.

Originálny zdroj: Bitcoin časopis