Tokenizované miliardy dolárov Bitcoin Presunuté do Etherea, BSC a Solana

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Tokenizované miliardy dolárov Bitcoin Presunuté do Etherea, BSC a Solana

More than 70% of all tokenized Bitcoin, worth over $4.3 billion, have been transferred to Ethereum, according to data from Cryptoflows.

This migration highlights a growing trend of utilizing Bitcoin within Ethereum’s decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem and other interesting areas.

Billions Of Bitcoin Being Tokenized

Out of the $5.75 billion worth of BTC exported from Bitcoin, over $1.44 billion found its way to the BNB Smart Chain (BSC) with more BTC tokens flowing to Avalanche, Fantom, and Solana.

Rovnako ako Ethereum, BSC, Avalanche a ďalšie ekosystémy, kam si tokenizované BTC našli cestu, podporujú smart contracting. V ňom sa držitelia môžu zapojiť do DeFi a prípadne zarobiť.

Bitcoin doesn’t support smart contracts; explaining why some holders are tokenizing their assets. Still, while there appears to be growing demand for DeFi, reading from this outflow of BTC to smart contracting platforms, total value locked (TVL) and decentralized exchange (DEX) volumes have been low and even stagnant.

Data from, a DeFi analytics platform, ukazuje that TVL is flat and below $50 billion.

Meanwhile, DEX trading volumes have been relatively nízkou in recent months. This phase of decreased activity could suggest a temporary slowdown in decentralized trading, mirroring the general trend of crypto prices in recent months.

S menej ako 2 miliardami USD registrovaných objemov obchodovania DEX 17. mája došlo v posledných mesiacoch k výraznému poklesu aktivity, najmä od začiatku roka 2022.

V novembri 2021, na vrchole posledného býčieho cyklu, boli objemy obchodovania DEX v priemere viac ako 7 miliárd dolárov.

Ceny BTC sú potlačené, ale mince sú bezpečným prístavom

While users port their BTC to smart contracting platforms, Bitcoin prices remain under pressure partly due to regulatory decisions across the world, mainly in the United States and Europe.

On May 16, the European Union (EU) schválený comprehensive crypto regulations which aim to bring transparency and oversight to the crypto industry, addressing concerns such as money laundering and investor protection.

Even in this bearish environment, Geoff Kendrick, the head of digital assets research at Standard Chartered, recently domnieval Že Bitcoin prices could rally by as much as 70%, adding $20,000, should the United States default on its debt.

Súvisiace čítanie: Bitcoin Stratí priľnavosť pri manipulácii s 27,000 XNUMX USD uprostred obáv z dlhového stropu – podrobnosti

Although Kendrick said the probability of this default is a “low-probability, high-impact event”, his prediction has generated significant interest within the crypto and Bitcoin communities as some begin to theorize the potential impact of the world’s superpower defaulting on its debt obligations on the broader financial landscape.

Každá takáto udalosť by viedla k ekonomickým otrasom a nevyhnutnej strate viery v tradičné finančné systémy, čo by s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou priviedlo investorov k alternatívnym aktívam, väčšinou kryptomenám.

s ohľadom na Bitcoin’s stature and setup as a safe haven, the coin, in Kendrick’s view, could benefit, subsequently posting significant gains.

Originálny zdroj: NewsBTC