Binance US Delists Crypto Token ‘out of an Abundance of Caution’ After SEC Says It’s a Security

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Binance US Delists Crypto Token ‘out of an Abundance of Caution’ After SEC Says It’s a Security

Binance’s U.S. platform is delisting crypto token amp after the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) declared it a security. Another crypto exchange, Coinbase, disagreed with the regulator, arguing that the token is not a security.

Binance Delists AMP ‘out of an Abundance of Caution’

Binance’s U.S. exchange (Binance US) is taking action to ensure that crypto tokens the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has declared to be securities are not listed on its platform. The SEC recently said in a lawsuit against a former Coinbase product manager that deväť kryptotokenov sú cenné papiere. Sú to AMP, RLY, DDX, XYO, RGT, LCX, POWR, DFX a KROM.

Binance US explained:

In its suit, the SEC named nine digital assets that it alleges are securities. Of those nine tokens, only amp (AMP) is listed on the Binance.US platform.

“Out of an abundance of caution, we have decided to delist the AMP token from Binance.US, effective August 15, 2022,” the crypto exchange announced Monday.

Binance US detailed that on Aug. 15, AMP deposits on its platform will be closed at 9:00 p.m. EDT and the AMP/USD trading pair will be removed at 11:00 p.m. EDT. “All trade orders will be automatically removed after trading ceases for the trading pair,” the announcement states.

Burza objasnila, že tento krok robí, kým nebude viac jasnosti okolo klasifikácie kryptomeny a dodala, že obchodovanie s mincami by sa mohlo niekedy v budúcnosti obnoviť.

The price of AMP fell sharply following the delisting announcement by Binance US. At the time of writing, AMP is trading at $0.0081411, down 11% in the past 24 hours.

Zatiaľ čo Binance US has taken a cautious approach to crypto tokens that may be deemed securities by the SEC, the Nasdaq-listed cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has chosen to fight the securities regulator.

Po žalobe proti svojmu bývalému zamestnancovi Coinbase zverejnila blogový príspevok, v ktorom uviedla, že neuvádza žiadne cenné papiere. Hlavný právny riaditeľ burzy, Paul Grewal, napísal: “Coinbase neuvádza cenné papiere na svojej platforme. Koniec príbehu." Exekutíva tiež kritizovala SEC a uviedla: „Namiesto dialógu s nami o siedmich aktívach na našej platforme SEC skočila priamo do súdneho sporu.

Minulý týždeň sa objavili správy, že SEC by mohla vyšetrovať Coinbase kvôli jej zoznamom krypto cenných papierov.

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Originálny zdroj: Bitcoin. S