Trh s kryptomenami je „chamtivý“, ako by to mohlo ovplyvniť Bitcoin

By Bitcoinist - pred 2 rokmi - Čas čítania: 3 minúty

Trh s kryptomenami je „chamtivý“, ako by to mohlo ovplyvniť Bitcoin

Bitcoin market sentiment has now skewed completely into the positive. The Fear & Greed Index had spent one of its longest stretch in “extreme fear.” Market sentiments were in the negative. This was due to the market crash that had occurred following the May price rally.

The move of the index into greed could see the crypto market barreling upwards to create new all-time highs. This could mean that the rally could only be just starting. As buy pressures mount, so will the price of crypto surge upwards. And by extension, the price of bitcoin.

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Bitcoin price had a long stretch of low prices that speculations were that the market had gone into a bear market. But recent price movements show that this is not the case. If anything, the market seems to have gone into another bull run. With the price of BTC hitting over $45K for the first time since the price had hit its all-time high.

Trends continue to show that the price of BTC is only just in the beginning stages of this rally. Bitcoin accumulation patterns now point to the fact that is tremendous buy pressure in the market. This is made evident in the number of coins leaving exchanges compared to the number of coins going into exchanges.

Index strachu a chamtivosti sa mení na chamtivosť

Fear & Greed Index poskytuje spôsob, ako povedať, ako trh vo všeobecnosti vníma budúcnosť mincí. Keď sa index začne báť, znamená to, že investori sú opatrní pri vkladaní svojich peňazí na trh. To vedie k tomu, že na trh prichádza menej peňazí. Z tohto dôvodu mince strácajú hodnotu.

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Nedávne zverejnenie indexu Fear & Greed Index ukazuje, že trh sa teraz presunul do územia chamtivosti. Pri lezení ďalej smerom k extrémnej chamtivosti. Trh od mája netrpí chamtivosťou. Toto je teda vítaný vývoj vzhľadom na brutálne posledné dva mesiace, ktoré trh zažil.

Fear & Greed Index sa približuje k extrémnej chamtivosti | Zdroj: Fear & Greed Index od Arcane Research

Trh strávil minulý týždeň na neutrálnom území. S možnosťou buď vrátiť sa späť do strachu alebo prejsť do chamtivosti. Posledný z nich nakoniec zvíťazil. Minulotýždňové skóre bolo neutrálnych 48. Ale tento týždeň je teraz v chamtivosti 71. Sedieť veľmi blízko k hranici medzi chamtivosťou a extrémnou chamtivosťou.

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Prechod do extrémnej chamtivosti by dokázal, že na trh sa vrátila prílišná sebadôvera. Vedie k veľmi bujnému trhu. Hoci Index strachu a chamtivosti poskytuje dobré údaje o nálade na trhu, neposkytuje dobré údaje o pohyboch cien. Neexistuje žiadna presná veda, ktorá by spájala chamtivosť so špičkou na trhu. Ale znalosť všeobecných nálad na trhu môže pomôcť nasmerovať investorov na možnosti na trhu.

Bitcoin Cenové pohyby

Despite the high Fear & Greed Index reading, the price of bitcoin hasn’t moved much this week. The price had broken $46K on Monday to much anticipation from the market. But there hasn’t been any significant movement up or down since.

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Bitcoin’s price had broken the $46K resistance point. But then had promptly fallen back down into the $45K range. Movement over the past three days shows the price of the asset continues to maintain steady momentum in the $45 price range.

Cena BTC si naďalej udržiava 45 XNUMX USD | Zdroj: BTCUSD na

This lack of movement does not necessarily mean the price is struggling. Sometimes the price has to stay in a certain range before getting enough momentum for another upward rally. Also following a big run-up like the recent one in bitcoin will always see corrections happen along the way. Helping the price to stabilize after moving quickly over a short period of time.

Bitcoin price continues to trade at a little above $45,000. Holding steady at this point and still holding a big part of the market share. With the BTC market dominance sitting at about 47%.

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Originálny zdroj: Bitcoinje