Exchange Inflows Rock Bitcoin, Ethereum, keď sa trh snaží zotaviť

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Exchange Inflows Rock Bitcoin, Ethereum, keď sa trh snaží zotaviť

With the market in turmoil, digital assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are seeing their prices challenged in ways that have sent shivers down the spines of investors. The downtrend had triggered massive sell-offs that had sent prices towards yearly lows. Despite the volume already being sold off, sellers look to not be done yet. This is evidenced by the volume of Bitcoin and Ethereum that has been making its way to centralized exchanges recently.

Bitcoin, Ethereum Rocked By Inflows

The inflows had been growing steadily recently and given the volume that has been going into exchanges, this growth is alarming. Top coins Bitcoin and Ethereum usually hold up best when it comes to markets like this, and though they have held up, investors seem unconvinced that they would continue to do so. This is one of the reasons why the inflows have been massive.

Data shows that more than $1.4 billion worth of Bitcoin has flowed into centralized exchanges in the last 24 hours alone. Although this is a decline from the previous day when $1.7 billion in BTC had been moved into exchanges, it significantly surpassed the outflow rate compared to the previous day.

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Odtoky pre bitcoin for the last 24 hours came out to $1.2 billion. What this led to was a positive net flow of $233 million. 

Ethereum was not left out of this either. If anything, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap has been worse hit by exchange inflows. For the previous day, its inflows had touched $569 million. But unlike Bitcoin, it did not record enough outflows to offset this figure.

BTC pokračuje v klesajúcom trende | Zdroj: BTCUSD na

To by pokračovalo aj na stredajšom trhu, kde do centralizovaných búrz prúdilo 658.2 milióna dolárov. V rovnakom časovom období odtieklo z búrz 651.1 milióna dolárov, čo zanechalo pozitívnu sieť 7.2 milióna dolárov.

USDT Outflows Spell Predaj

One way to indicate if investors are selling or buying Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other digital assets is through the stablecoin inflow, and lately, this flow rate has been anything but encouraging. Tuesday saw $1.1 billion USDT flowing into exchanges, marking a significant figure but the outflows came out higher. In total, there was $1.7 billion in USDT leaving exchanges, resulting in a negative $612.1 million net flow.

Súvisiace čítanie | Následne klesnú sadzby financovania na ročné minimá Bitcoinklesol pod 29,000 XNUMX dolárov

Metriky ako táto ukazujú, že investori pravdepodobne premieňajú svoje volatilné kryptomeny na tieto stablecoiny a presúvajú ich z búrz do úschovy. Väčšinou preto, aby poskytli útočisko pred veľmi nestálym trhom.

Napriek tomu objemy USDT za posledných 24 hodín začínajú kresliť o niečo lepší obraz. Zatiaľ čo odlevy dosiahli za posledný deň až 738.5 milióna USD, prílevy boli 871.4 milióna USD, čo predstavuje kladný čistý tok 132.9 milióna USD. Ak bude tento trend pokračovať, súčasný trend predaja by sa mohol zmeniť na kupujúceho, čo by, dúfajme, vyvolalo oživenie trhu. 

Daily On-Chain Exchange Flow#Bitcoin $BTC $1.4B in $1.2B out Net flow: +$223.0M#Ethereum $ETH $658.2M in $651.1M out Net flow: +$7.2M#Tether (ERC20) $USDT $871.4M in $738.5M out Net flow: +$132.9M

— upozornenia glassnode (@glassnodealerts) 19. mája 2022

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