FOMO Pozor: Spot Bitcoin Objem nákupu zostáva nízky, napriek novým ATH

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FOMO Pozor: Spot Bitcoin Objem nákupu zostáva nízky, napriek novým ATH

Bitcoin has maintained high prices well into the first week of November. The month is expected to follow bullish trends that were triggered in the previous month and bitcoin has not been disappointed in this regard. However, some metrics remain low compare to the price of BTC. This could be as a result of investors taking profit in the market but low enough to draw attention to them.

BTC bol svedkom toho, že sa do neho nalialo veľa investícií týždeň po spustení prvých ETF. Rekordný prílev 1.4 miliardy dolárov za týždeň posunul cenu digitálneho aktíva na nové historické maximum. Nasledujúce týždne sa však na trhu nedarili tak dobre. Jedným zo spôsobov, ako sa tento znížený prílev prejavil, boli spotové objemy obchodovania s týmto aktívom.

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Bitcoin Spot Trading Low

V porovnaní so súčasnou cenou digitálneho aktíva sa očakáva, že objemy spotových obchodov porastú spolu so zvýšením cien. Nebolo to tak. Objemy spotových obchodov za týždeň sú nižšie v porovnaní s predchádzajúcim týždňom. 7-dňový obchodný priemer pre digitálne aktívum vykazuje výrazný klesajúci trend v rovnakom časovom období. Zníženie takmer o 1 miliardu USD spôsobilo, že 7-dňový priemerný reálny objem obchodovania s aktívami klesol na 6 miliárd USD.

BTC spot trading volumes remain low | Source: Arcane Research

The last time BTC was this high, spot trading volumes were significantly higher. The Spring rally saw spot volumes go up along with the price of bitcoin, driving the price higher in that regard. This time, trading volumes have continuously decreased despite the price of the digital asset hitting a new all-time on October 20th.

Spot trading volumes are crucial to the performance of the asset in the market. If the market is to see BTC challenge a new all-time high, it is expected that spot trading volumes would need to go up to accommodate for this increase. Otherwise, momentum in the asset may slow to a crawl, causing the value to stagger downwards in the meantime.

BTC price falls to $61K | Source: BTCUSD on BTC Futures Premium Decline

Bitcoin futures premium saw a significant uptick in October with the release of the ETFs that brought strong institutional demand into the market. The momentum was maintained for the better part of a week. However, the market is beginning to see a substantial decline in demand.

Súvisiace čítanie Bitcoin Prílevy ETF sa spomaľujú, keď sa úroky z altcoinov odrazia

Futures prémie na CME zaznamenali pokles späť na úrovne zo začiatku októbra. Predpokladá sa, že hlavnou hybnou silou tohto poklesu sú zvýšené cash-and-carry aktivity v CME Futures. Napriek tomu je to jasný náznak toho, že inštitucionálny záujem prudko klesol po otvorení rekordov ETF v októbri.

Interest in BTC Futures decline after launch week | Source: Arcane Research

Open interest on CME has also recorded a decline. But this has not been the case across all open interest platforms. Open interest on top cryptocurrency exchange Binance has seen growing interest. Cash-and-carry activities indicate traders are increasing their exposure. Although some traders who had long exposure on CME had seen gains by the close of last month.

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