Vydaných takmer 70,000 XNUMX Binance Krypto karta pre Utečencov pre Ukrajincov

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Vydaných takmer 70,000 XNUMX Binance Krypto karta pre Utečencov pre Ukrajincov

Thousands of Ukrainians have ordered a crypto card issued by the world’s leading digital asset exchange, Binance, for its users from the war-torn country. The card allows people displaced by the ongoing conflict with Russia to make payments and receive financial support.

Binance Announces Results From Efforts to Help Ukrainian Refugees

Between April 26 and June 10, almost 70,000 people have been issued the Binance Refugee Crypto Card, the largest coin exchange by trading volume unveiled to the crypto news outlet Forklog. The payment product was ponúkol v apríli až podpora Ukrainians forced to leave their homes amid Russia’s military invasion of the country.

karta allows displaced Binance users from Ukraine to make or receive crypto transfers and pay at merchants in countries from the European Economic Area. With it, the refugees can also accept financial aid through Binance’s partners. The applications of 4,000 Ukrainians currently residing abroad have been approved with more than 1,700 already having received funds.

Binance also participates in efforts to support internally displaced persons (IDPs) as part of a project launched together with the charitable foundations Palianytsia and Rotary Club Kyiv International. Large families and those with minor children, disabled, and elderly Ukrainians will benefit with priority.

Títo najzraniteľnejší ľudia sa budú môcť spoľahnúť na mesačnú pomoc vo výške 75 BUSD (75 USD) po dobu troch mesiacov, uvádza správa. V prvej fáze iniciatíva pomôže 5,000 1.2 IDP s rozpočtom XNUMX milióna dolárov. Zástupcovia burzy vysvetlili:

Spočiatku sme chceli pomáhať ľuďom, ktorí boli nútení vstúpiť do EÚ, dostali štatút utečenca a skutočne potrebovali pomoc. Zároveň sme sa však rozhodli spustiť pilotný projekt na pomoc tým, ktorí zostali na Ukrajine.

Binance further revealed it’s closely cooperating with the Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Development to organize a course on online professions for Ukrainians who lost their jobs due to the war as early as this month. The exchange also emphasized it will continue to follow sanctions policies against Russia and ensure their implementation on its platform.

Môžete podporiť ukrajinské rodiny, deti, utečencov a vysídlených ľudí darovaním BTC, ETH a BNB Binance Charitatívny fond núdzovej pomoci na Ukrajine.

Aký je váš názor na iniciatívy kryptopriemyslu na podporu Ukrajincov trpiacich vojnou? Podeľte sa o svoje myšlienky v sekcii komentárov nižšie.

Originálny zdroj: Bitcoin. S