Ripple Generálny riaditeľ odsúdil predsedu SEC Genslera za to, že diktoval, ktoré kryptotokeny sú cenné papiere

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Ripple Generálny riaditeľ odsúdil predsedu SEC Genslera za to, že diktoval, ktoré kryptotokeny sú cenné papiere

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse has slammed Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Gary Gensler for claiming that he has the authority to determine which crypto tokens are securities, rather than relying on the legislation that governs his agency’s power. “It’s time for elected officials in the U.S. to take notice,” the Ripple executive stressed.

Ripple’s CEO Slams SEC Chair Gensler Over What’s a Security

Generálny riaditeľ spoločnosti Ripple Labs, Brad Garlinghouse, has criticized the chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Gary Gensler, for dictating which crypto tokens are securities. Garlinghouse tweeted Thursday:

Pre predsedu SEC, aby tvrdil, že on diktuje, čo je cenný papier – a nie právne predpisy, z ktorých jeho agentúra odvodzuje svoju právomoc – je nad chápanie. Je čas, aby si to všimli volení predstavitelia v USA.

„Keď sa správate ako autokrat, ktorý riadi nadupanú agentúru za 2.2 miliardy dolárov, prečo by ste niekedy chceli objasniť, čo je 'in alebo out'? Bez jasnej jurisdikcie sa nejednoznačnosť maskuje ako moc,“ varoval Garlinghouse.

Ripple executive made this vyhlásenie in reaction to Gensler’s claim that the current securities laws “cover most of the activity that’s happening in the crypto markets.” The SEC chief was quoted as saying: “If Congress were to act, though I don’t think we need these authorities, not to undermine inadvertently through definitions of what’s in or out, or in essence allowing for conflicts that we don’t allow.” Gensler warned:

Myslím si, že ak by boli prijaté, mnohé legislatívne nástroje by podkopali kompetenciu v oblasti cenných papierov.

Since the SEC filed a lawsuit against Ripple, Garlinghouse, and co-founder Chris Larsen in December 2020, the company has been embroiled in a legal dispute with the securities regulator. The SEC claimed that XRP is a security, but Ripple and Garlinghouse have consistently argued that it is not.

On several occasions, Gensler has emphasized the importance of cryptocurrency exchanges and lending platforms coming in to discuss how to be compliant with the SEC. However, Garlinghouse has accused the securities watchdog of holding meetings with crypto companies primarily for the purpose of generovanie potenciálnych zákazníkov for its Enforcement Division. There have also been widespread complaints that the SEC does not provide jasné regulačné usmernenia, making it difficult for companies in the crypto space to ensure compliance.

Recently, the Nasdaq-listed crypto exchange Coinbase received a Wells si všimne from the SEC regarding potential violations of the securities law. The company noted in its response: “The SEC will not let crypto companies ‘come in and register’ — we tried.” Meanwhile, Gensler has repeatedly expressed the view that všetky kryptotokeny, okrem bitcoin, are considered securities.

Čo si myslíte o Genslerovi, ktorý sa snaží diktovať, čo je cenný papier? Dajte nám vedieť v sekcii komentárov nižšie.

Originálny zdroj: Bitcoin. S