Komerčné Bitcoin ETF Approval Is On The Horizon, Says Gemini’s Exec With Compelling Reasons

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Komerčné Bitcoin ETF Approval Is On The Horizon, Says Gemini’s Exec With Compelling Reasons

Pundits are bullish that a pure-play Bitcoin ETF is just around the corner as it signifies the next big step for the SEC.Investors have clamored for a spot Bitcoin ETF even after the approval of futures Bitcoin ETFs.The SEC rejected VanEck’s application for a spot Bitcoin ETF pred dvoma týždňami, čo zhoršilo náladu investorom.

After the approval of Bitcoin futures ETFs by the SEC, the next obvious step by the Securities and Exchange Commission is the approval of spot ETFs. Gemini’s Global Head of Business Development thinks an approval is imminent and could even happen in the first quarter of 2022.

Komerčné Bitcoin ETF Is In Play

Dave Abner, Global Head of Business Development for Gemini thinks the SEC will eventually approve a spot Bitcoin ETF this year. The exchange executive made his thoughts known in a recent interview with CNBC on Wednesday, providing an answer to the SEC’s crypto conundrum.

He began by stating that the Commission is adopting a meticulous stance on the question of cryptocurrencies and is not making any brash decisions. Abner goes on to hail the launch of the Bitcoin futures ETF and says as the SEC gains more control over the crypto markets, spot Bitcoin ETFs are the “perfect next step” for the Commission.

„Fond pre stratégie futures ukazuje investorom, že kryptomeny sú triedou investovateľných aktív, a preto SEC podniká tieto progresívne kroky, aby nás posunula vpred,“ povedal Abner. „Myslel som si, že tam budeme do konca tohto roka a myslel som si, že fyzický fond VanEck bude schválený. Stále som veľmi optimistický a myslím si, že SEC presne vie, čo robí, a myslím si, že sme na tejto ceste.“

Medzi ďalšie ukazovatele pre Abnera patrí vývoj trhu pre regulovaných správcov a obrovský úspech ETF založených na budúcnosti s prílivom viac ako 1 miliardy USD. Verí, že to signalizuje, že trhy dozreli a SEC čaká na väčšie regulačné právomoci. Predpovedá, že by sa tak mohlo stať v prvom štvrťroku 2022.

On the other hand, Tom Lyndon, CEO of ETF Trends does not share the same enthusiasm with Dave Abner regarding the timeline for approval. Lyndon notes that the absence of spot Bitcoin ETFs creates a “handcuffing” situation in the adviser community. “I think we will eventually see it,” said Lyndon. “Fingers crossed, by the end of 2022.”


Gemini made the first formal application for a Bitcoin ETF way back in 2013 and it took the SEC nearly 8 years to approve applications. In October, the Commission approved the first Bitcoin ETF from ProShares with others following shortly after.

Nevýhody budúcich ETF boli zrejmé od začiatku. Po prvé, contango efekt môže nastať, keď budúca cena komodity presiahne očakávanú budúcu spotovú cenu. Okrem toho je tu problém, že ETF nemusí presne sledovať cenu.

“Investors in futures-based ETF funds will be exposed to additional price volatility risk and tracking discrepancies between bitcoin and futures prices,” Alastair Sewell z ratingovej agentúry Fitch.

Grayscale and other institutions have thrown their hats in the ring for approval for a spot Bitcoin ETF podľa SEC.

Originálny zdroj: ZyCrypto