Bitcoin Lahko je razveljavitev neenakosti

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Bitcoin Lahko je razveljavitev neenakosti

While the current system is contributing to increasing inequality, Bitcoin serves to benefit everyone equally and promote fair competition.

This is an opinion editorial by Andrew Hetherington, a contributor to Bitcoin Revija.

Od Nixonovega šoka leta 1971, neenakost bogastva se je povzpel na ravni, ki jih ni bilo več kot stoletje. Dolarja ni bilo več mogoče zamenjati za zlato, temveč je bil podprt le z vero. Brez omejitev podprte valute so tisti na oblasti dobili priložnost ustvariti toliko fiat valute, kot so želeli, z malo ali nič posledic. Fiat valuta, ki je zaradi zlorabe izgubila zaupanje, je bila že od samega začetka obsojena na propad.

Bitcoin seeks to remedy the inequalities of fiat currency. Bitcoin is decentralized, fungible, permissionless and finite; it does not allow for central authorities to benefit from the theft of its holders’ asset value through inflation. Furthermore, it does not restrict access from those who need it most, providing financial services to those incapable of accessing traditional banking

Zgodba o dveh mestih

Neenakost v Ameriki je v zadnjih desetletjih narasla do nepredvidenih višin, pri čemer sta rasla le dohodek in neto premoženje tistih v višjih dohodkovnih razredih.

Glede na podatki raziskovalnega centra Pew, sta se neto vrednost in zaslužek tistih z višjimi dohodki dvignila nad vrednost običajnega delavca. Od leta 1981 do leta 2018 je 5 % najvišjih zaslužkarjev preseglo vse druge dohodkovne razrede. Poleg tega se je od leta 1983 do leta 2013 povprečna neto vrednost gospodinjstva povečala le v zgornjem dohodkovnem razredu.

Medtem ko elite še naprej opažajo, da se njihovi zaslužki in neto vrednost povečujejo, se povprečni delavec zaradi vse bolj manipuliranega gospodarstva trudi nahraniti svojo družino. Zaradi zlorabe denarne politike, plače se niso povečale v kupni moči od leta 1971.

First discovered by Richard Cantillon during the 18th century, the uneven expansion of currency disproportionately benefits those closest to the source. This creates theft of buying power from those in lower income brackets, straight into the hands of the elite. Only by using their currency are they able to do this. With the superior monetary qualities of bitcoin, it will eventually replace fiat as the standard medium of exchange. As Bitcoin adoption increases, and slowly renders fiat currency less important, the printing of new fiat currency by nation-states will hamper their ability to manipulate the buying power of the working class.

Thanks to the decentralization of Bitcoin, for the first time in human history, currency expansion will no longer disproportionately benefit any government or central authority. Currency expansion will now become a business, benefiting participating corporations and individuals who are capable of securing the network in a profitable way. Most importantly, unlike fiat currency’s excess printing, bitcoin currency expansion from block rewards will benefit not only those closest to the creation of the digital currency, such as miners and exchanges, but also the holders of bitcoin itself through increasing scarcity and network security. This lack of manipulation by a central authority allows Bitcoin to reduce inequality.

Ni vaš tipičen bančni tek

Po podatkih Centra za finančno vključenost približno 1.7 milijarde ljudi nima bančnih storitev. Raziskave vse pogosteje dokazujejo, da storitve mobilnega denarja izboljšujejo finančne razmere v državah v razvoju. Glede na to študija Tavneet Suri in William Jack, ocene kažejo, da se je približno 194,000 kenijskih gospodinjstev rešilo revščine s širitvijo storitve mobilnega denarja, znane kot M-Pesa. Študija navaja večjo finančno odpornost, prihranke in poklicno izbiro – zlasti za ženske – kot največje izboljšave, ki jih zagotavljajo storitve mobilnega denarja.

Bitcoin provides all of the opportunities of mobile money services like M-Pesa with far lower fees and greater accessibility. Those using it as a means of storing wealth can do so with no account fees and minimal transaction fees. In February 2022, Kenyans living abroad sent home več kot 300 milijona ameriških dolarjev. Po podatkih Svetovne banke je povprečni strošek pošiljanja nakazil v Kenijo 9.54% as of 2020. If Kenyans abroad were to use Bitcoin as opposed to traditional remittance services, millions of U.S. dollars would be saved per month.

Alongside financial benefits, Bitcoin is easily accessible as it requires as little as a smartphone to get started. As reported by the World Bank, approximately 1.1 milijard ljudi globally have no legal identification. Without government-recognized identification, these people are incapable of accessing the traditional finance system. Even without identification, these people are still capable of accessing the Bitcoin omrežje. Bitcoin provides modern financial services to those who need it most, without restrictions.

With all of the aforementioned benefits of Bitcoin over traditional finance, adoption has been soaring in Africa with cryptocurrency use growing over 1,200% last year glede na Chainalysis. Kenijski ustanovitelj Zdravilišče Health Land, Tony Mwongela, has been accepting bitcoin as payment since 2018. As companies are common victims of payment fraud, Mwongela cites the safety and security of Bitcoin as his primary reasons for deciding to accept it as payment.

Continuing to bank the unbanked, Bitcoin adoption is providing opportunity to those left behind by the traditional banking industry. With greater security, accessibility and reliability, Bitcoin is leading us to a more equitable world.

This is a guest post by Andrew Hetherington. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc. or Bitcoin Revija.

Izvorni vir: Bitcoin Revija