Bitcoin Ordinali so dosegli mejnik z več kot 10 milijoni vpisov, ko Creator Rodarmor odhaja

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Bitcoin Ordinali so dosegli mejnik z več kot 10 milijoni vpisov, ko Creator Rodarmor odhaja

A prominent non-fungible token (NFT) protocol based on the Bitcoin blockchain, “Ordinals,” surpassed an impressive benchmark in a significant turn of events.

Transakcija omrežja je narasla na 10 milijonov nekaj dni po tem, ko je ustvarjalec Ordinals, Rodarmor, napovedal umik iz projekta. 

Doseganje več kot 10 milijonov vpisov nakazuje, da se je na protokolu zgodilo veliko transakcij. Casey Rodarmor tvitnil, da je odstopil kot glavni vzdrževalec Ordinals. 

He claimed that he was not giving Ordinal full attention and handed over the role to a programmer, Raphjaph. He further emphasized that donations from the community will fund the coder’s work on the project.

Ordinalni protokol in njegova hitra rast

Bitcoin Ordinals is a protocol that supports the transcription of a unique identifier to individual satoshis (SATs) to enable easy tracking during transactions.

After the launch of Ordinals in January, the protocol quickly gained popularity as a means to create new assets on the Bitcoin blockchain. Initially, Ordinals served to “inscribe” data on individual satoshis (the smallest divisible unit of BTC).

Vendar pa je do hitre rasti števila napisov Ordinals prišlo, ko je bil v začetku marca uveden standard žetona BRC-20.

This new token standard, established by the pseudonymous “Domo,” enabled users to mint new tokens on the Bitcoin blockchain. 

Po podatkih iz, in the first week, the number of Bitcoin-based tokens jumped from a hundred to 25,000 at the time of writing.

The introduction of the BRC-20 token standard has expanded Bitcoin’s functionality. This increased utility has boosted the adoption and use of the Bitcoin blockchain for tokenization and asset creation.

Controversy Surrounding Bitcoin Ordinals – Efficiency And Speed Concern

The growth of Ordinals has not been without its share of controversy, as critics among the Bitcoin community have raised concerns about its method of “inscribing” assets on the network.

Trdijo, da je ta pristop "neučinkovit in potraten", zlasti glede blokovnega prostora in provizij za transakcije.

In response, alternative developers have been exploring using smart contracts to mint assets and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Bitcoin blockchain. They aim to address the efficiency issues associated with Ordinals by leveraging smart contracts.

Po drugi strani pa zagovorniki of the initiative have praised Ordinals for its ability to attract new users to the broader Bitcoin ekosistem. 

Notably, even prominent anti-Bitcoin zagovornik Peter Schiff recently minted a small number of NFTs on Bitcoin using the Ordinals protocol.

Medtem ko je povečanje dejavnosti, povezane z ordinali, povečalo provizije za transakcije BTC, so rudarji imeli veliko koristi od te povečane vključenosti v omrežje. 

Po podatkih iz Dune Analytics, so rudarji prejeli več kot 44 milijonov dolarjev provizij, povezanih z ordinalskimi transakcijami.

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