Bitcoin Rekordna cena za najvišjo tedensko svečo blizu

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Bitcoin Rekordna cena za najvišjo tedensko svečo blizu

Bitcoin price is back at levels from earlier in the year, but has yet to set a new all-time high. Last night’s weekly candle close still came with a new broken record for price: the highest weekly candle close in the cryptocurrency’s history.

Bo bikovski tedenski zaključek pripeljal do novih vrhuncev? Če je tako, bo to vrhunec bikovskega teka? In če ne, ali to pomeni trg medvedov?

Postavljen je nov rekord | Vir: BTCUSD na Bitcoin Price Sets New Record For Highest Weekly Close Ever

According to TradingView’s BTCUSD Index, the weekly Bitcoin price chart had a record-breaking weekly close at roughly $61,528. The number remains around $4,000 short of the cryptocurrency’s current all-time high, however, with new records being set, are new highs a given?

Sorodno branje | Bitcoin “Supertrend” se začne, ko se nakup signalov zbira v vseh pomembnejših časovnih okvirih

It is difficult to imagine a scenario where Bitcoin were to fails to move higher from here, especially after such a clear sign from bulls with weekly close. Fundamentally, the cryptocurrency is strong, scarce, and supply is only diminishing. Technicals are bullish, and even the news cycle has turned positive for BTC with the approval of the first ever ETF.

Dvojna zgodba bi lahko znižala cene | Vir: BTCUSD na

Bulls aren’t yet out of the woods until a new all-time high is made and then some. The target of a double top pattern would bring Bitcoin price back to $14,000 and could still keep an overall bullish Elliott Wave count. The accompanying narrative would be powerful for bears, but not quite a bear market.

Bolj logična nastavitev Elliott Wave bi obdržala vodilno kriptovaluto s tržno kapitalizacijo od tu naprej, vendar je na koncu zadnja stopnja pred prihodom medvedjega trga.

Ko se val pet konča, se bo začel nov trg medvedov | Vir: BTCUSD na

Elliottova teorija valov kaže, da se trgi premikajo navzgor v primarni smeri v petih skupnih valovih, ki jih nato dodatno razdelimo na impulzne in korekcijske valove. Ko se vzpenjanje s petimi valovi konča, sledi trg treh valov. Cena se nato pogosto vrne nazaj med tretji val in četrti val bikovskega trga.

Sorodno branje | Bitcoin Cena se pripravlja, da se vrne nazaj v "Bull Zone" RSI

Mapping EWT over the Bitcoin price chart above, the pattern fits the chart and each time sure enough, BTC fell back to between wave three and four. The final scenario has a much nastier fate for our favorite cryptocurrency, and it involves retracing the entire 2020-2021 bull run.

Tudi daljši bikovski supercikel bi se lahko končal | Vir: BTCUSD na

With the way an ending wave five retraces back to between a wave three and four, if the larger Bitcoin price cyclical trend were to end, a larger correction of the primary trend should be expected.

Razlika bi kazala na lažno dno pri 50,000 USD, ki je na koncu dalo 20,000 USD. Prav zato Elliott Wave Theory opozarja na najslabši rekord na trgu medvedov, ko se ta bikovski tečaj končno konča.

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