Ethereum Rival Polkadot označuje mejnik v Parachainu s 25 -odstotno rastjo cen

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Ethereum Rival Polkadot označuje mejnik v Parachainu s 25 -odstotno rastjo cen

V začetku jeseni, Cardano in Solana were lapping up the attention, as the two "Ethereum killers" battled for spots on the cryptocurrency leaderboard. Now, polkadot's DOT coin is throwing elbows to get to the front.

The price of DOT rose 25% over 24 hours—part of a 36% gain over the last week—to zoom past $42 today. That's the most expensive the asset has been since May, when it reached an all-time high of $49.35, po CoinGecko. Od objave cena znaša 41.50 USD.

It's probably not a coincidence that, after five years of development from Parity Technologies  (the engineering team behind Polkadot), the project announced yesterday it was ready to launch what it calls "parachains." The Polkadot leadership group subsequently voted to begin auctions for parachain slots starting November 11. 

Parachaini so svoji verige blokov ki tečejo skupaj z glavnim omrežjem in ga uporabljajo za varnost in preverjanje transakcij. Polkadot torej govori o interoperabilnosti verige blokov, z namenom povečati število transakcij, ki jih lahko omrežje obdela. 

5 years after the vision of a heterogeneous multichain framework was first outlined in the Polkadot Whitepaper, parachains are now ready to launch on Polkadot. Motion 118, to schedule the first auctions, has passed council & now gone to public referendum.

- Polkadot (@Polkadot) Oktober 13, 2021

DOT is a governance token that gives its holders voting rights, and users can also "stake" DOT to the network to make it more secure. Crucially, holders need DOT to create new parachains. That, of course, increases demand for DOT from those looking to launch on the network.

“Today’s council motion to begin the rollout of parachains on Polkadot is a huge step forward for the industry," Peter Mauric, head of public affairs for Parity Technologies, told Dešifriraj. "As the only layer-zero protocol in blockchain, Polkadot is designed to disrupt the entire layer-one landscape in the coming years by dramatically reducing the overhead required to secure and connect layer ones in the form of parachains.”

Layers, in crypto parlance, typically refer to the levels built atop a blockchain. Layer 2 technologies, such as Lightning for Bitcoin or Polygon for Ethereum, help process transactions more quickly by taking some of the burden off the (layer 1) blockchain. "Layer 0," by contrast, increases efficiency by bundling together various blockchains.

What is Polkadot And How To Buy It (2021)

Polkadot je zamisel soustanovitelja Ethereuma Gavina Wooda in Roberta Habermeierja, ki igrata ključni razvojni vlogi pri Parity. Parity je do leta 2019 še vedno delil čas med Ethereumom in Polkadotom. Potem ko je več let vodil drugega največjega odjemalca Ethereum, se je decembra decembra odločil predati kodno zbirko decentralizirani avtonomni organizaciji. svojo pozornost usmeriti na Polkadot polni delovni čas.

In May, Polkadot made parachains available on its experimental Kusama network, a sort of testnet for Polkadot features that has its own token, KSM, with a $3 billion market cap. Within a few days, the price of DOT plummeted by more than one-third. DOT holders are hoping that today's price boost—and the emergence of parachains on the main network—holds.

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