Vlagatelji lahko pričakujejo slabšo stran za Bitcoin In trg Ethereum za naslednje 3 mesece

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Vlagatelji lahko pričakujejo slabšo stran za Bitcoin In trg Ethereum za naslednje 3 mesece

The crypto markets have accepted the depegging of UST and the subsequent downward spiral of LUNA, both of which impacted the price of Bitcoin and the entire digital asset spectrum. According to a recent report by the Glassnode team, the Bitcoin market has been trading lower for eight weeks, making it the ‘longest continuous series of red weekly candles in history.’

Tudi Ethereum, najbolj priljubljen altcoin, je narisal podobno sliko. Medvedja nihanja neposredno ali posredno škodujejo donosnostim in maržam dobička.

Da bi bile stvari še hujše, napovedi za trge izvedenih finančnih instrumentov kažejo več padcev v prihodnjih treh do šestih mesecih.

Derivative Markets Hint At More Pain For Bitcoin

According to derivative markets, the prognosis for the next three to six months remains fearful of further fall. On-chain, the report stated that blockspace demand for Ethereum and Bitcoin has dropped to multi-year lows, and the rate of ETH burning via EIP1559 has reached an all-time low.

Glassnode calculated that the demand side will continue to face headwinds due to poor price performance, uncertain derivatives pricing, and extremely low demand for block-space on both Bitcoin in Ethereum.

Poročilo pojasnjuje:

Looking on-chain, we can see that both Ethereum and Bitcoin blockspace demand has fallen to multi-year lows, and the rate of burning of ETH via EIP1559 is now at an all-time-low.

Coupling poor price performance, fearful derivatives pricing, and exceedingly lacklustre demand for block-space on both Bitcoin and Ethereum, we can deduce that the demand side is likely to continue seeing headwinds.

oba Bitcoin and Ethereum’s price performance over the last 12 months has been disappointing. Long-term CAGR rates for Bitcoin and Ethereum have been impacted as a result of this.

Vir: Glassnode

BTC, največja kriptovaluta, se je premikala v približno 4-letnem ciklu bik/medved, ki so ga pogosto spremljali dogodki prepolovljenja. Če pogledamo dolgoročne donose, je CAGR padel s skoraj 200 odstotkov v letu 2015 na manj kot 50 odstotkov od tega pisanja.

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Poleg tega Bitcoin had a negative 30% return over the short term, implying that it corrected by 1% every day on average. This negative return for Bitcoin is very similar to prior bear market cycles.

Vir: Glassnode

When it comes to ETH, the altcoin performed far worse than BTC. Ethereum’s monthly return profile revealed a depressing picture of -34.9 percent. Ethereum likewise appears to be seeing diminishing rewards in the long run.

Poleg tega se je v preteklih 12 mesecih 4-letni CAGR za oba sredstva zmanjšal s 100 % na samo 36 % za BTC. Poleg tega se ETH poveča za 28 odstotkov na leto, kar poudarja resnost tega medveda.

Da bi bile stvari še hujše, je trg izvedenih finančnih instrumentov opozoril na prihodnji upad trga. Na trgih opcij se še naprej določata kratkoročna negotovost in tveganje padca, zlasti v naslednjih treh do šestih mesecih. V resnici se je med razprodajo trga prejšnji teden implicirana volatilnost znatno povečala.

Skupna tržna kapitalizacija kriptovalut znaša 1.2 bilijona dolarjev. Vir: TradingView

Analiza Glassnode se je zaključila z navedbo, da je sedanji medvedji trg vzel davek na kripto trgovce in vlagatelje. Poleg tega je skupina Glassnode poudarila, da se trgi v upadanju pogosto poslabšajo, preden se izboljšajo. Vendar pa se „medvedji trgi nagibajo k koncu“ in „medvedji trgi ustvarjajo bika, ki sledi“, zato je na koncu predora nekaj svetlobe.

Sorodno branje | TA: Bitcoin Cena zataknjena v razponu ključnih, zakaj so padci lahko omejeni

Predstavljena slika iz iStockPhoto, Charts iz Glassnode in TradingView.com

Izvorni vir: NoviceBTC