Dolgo neaktivna Ethereum ICO denarnica v vrednosti 14.7 milijona dolarjev se je pojavila po osemletnem spanju

By Bitcoinist - pred 10 meseci - Čas branja: 2 minuti

Dolgo neaktivna Ethereum ICO denarnica v vrednosti 14.7 milijona dolarjev se je pojavila po osemletnem spanju

In an unexpected turn of events, a once-dormant wallet from the Ethereum initial coin offering (ICO) in 2015 has sprung to life, causing ripples in the crypto community. The wallet, which had remained untouched for eight long years, recently made a startling move by transferring its substantial holdings to another address.

Following the mysteriousness that comes with this move, questions arise about the motives behind this unexpected awakening and the potential impact on the Ethereum market.

Prebujenje spečega velikana

Analitiki v verigi, Lookonchain, so bili prvi, ki so opazili dejavnost v tej mirujoči denarnici. Prvič je bilo opaziti, da je denarnica sprožila testno transakcijo, pri čemer je premaknila 1 ETH v vrednosti 1,845 USD, čemur je sledil prenos preostalih 7,999 ETH (14.7 milijona USD).

Če se poglobimo v zgodovino denarnice, je denarnica pridobila svojih 8,000 ETH med Ethereum ICO po ugodni ceni približno 0.31 USD na žeton, kar je takrat znašalo zgolj 2,500 USD naložbe.

Trenutna vrednost teh deležev pomeni približno 591,900-odstotno donosnost naložbe, kar poudarja izjemne dobičke, ki so jih doživeli prvi vlagatelji v Ethereum.

Po prenosu so se sredstva znašla v drugi denarnici, ki prikazuje omejeno zgodovino transakcij. Zanimivo je, da je bila le nekaj trenutkov pred tem v isti denarnici zabeležena ločena vhodna transakcija 207 ether (380,000 USD).

Ta incoming transaction originated from a distinct wallet that had remained inactive since 2017. The motives behind this consolidation and the subsequent movement of funds remain shrouded in mystery, leaving the crypto community speculating on potential reasons for such actions.

Špekulacije o premaknjenem mirujočem Ethereumu

Medtem ko so natančni nameni udeleženca ICO Ethereum negotovi, je kripto skupnost pod objavo Lookonchain, ki je razkrila te informacije, hitro podala špekulacije. Nekateri so ugotovili, da je to premaknilo Ethereum iz mirujoče denarnice morda od nekoga, ki se seli iz svoje stare denarnice v glavni knjigi.

Over the past week, Ledger, a leading hardware wallet provider and renowned name in secure crypto custody, faced a significant blow to its reputation when it unveiled a new feature called Recover. Intended to serve as a cryptographic backup for users’ seed phrases, the announcement was met with severe backlash from the community.

The backlash intensified when Ledger CEO Pascal Gauthier confirmed that the government could access clients’ private keys through the Ledger Recover feature in case of a subpoena.

As the backlash escalated, Ledger was forced to halt the launch of the Recover feature and instead await the release of a white paper and further progress on its open-source roadmap before proceeding.

However, with users becoming increasingly vigilant about the custody of their digital assets many have migrated away from Ledger in search of a safer alternative. Speculation suggests the person behind the movement of the dormant ETH might fall into this category.

Ne glede na to je trg Ethereum ob tej novici ostal neomajen. V zadnjih 24 urah je Ethereum pokazal rahle znake rasti in se je povečal za 1.1 % s trgovalno ceno 1,845 $.

-Predstavljena slika iz Unsplash, grafikon iz TradingView

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