Zadržano več kot 18 milijard USDT Binance, Bull Run prihaja?

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Zadržano več kot 18 milijard USDT Binance, Bull Run prihaja?

Nansen datum on March 30 shows that over $18 billion of USDT is held on Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange by user count and trading volumes.

Binance Holding Over $18 Billion Of USDT

At this pace, USDT constitutes the biggest share of assets held in the exchange, even exceeding other popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in Ethereum.

As of the time of writing on March 30, Bitcoin and Ethereum shares at the exchange stood at 23% and 12%, respectively, while USDT commanded 28.71% of the total allocation. In all, Binance held over $64.6 billion of user crypto assets, making it the largest cryptocurrency exchange by assets.

USDT je ​​priljubljen stabilni coin, ki sledi vrednosti USD. Na voljo v več verigah blokov, predvsem v Ethereumu in Tronu, je USDT najbolj likviden s tržno kapitalizacijo 79.4 milijarde USD, glede na sledilce.

Za kontekst, na tej sliki je USDT tehnično tretji največji cryptocurrency asset only after Bitcoin and Ethereum, whose market caps stood at $554.8 billion and $221 billion on March 30.

Stabilcoin je najbolj likviden in presega USDC, ki ga je izdal Circle, katerega tržna kapitalizacija je 33.2. marca znašala 30 milijarde dolarjev, in BUSD, ki ga je izdal Paxos, katerega obtočna ponudba je bila ob pisanju 7.6 milijarde dolarjev. 

Stabilni kovanci igrajo različne vloge v kriptovaluti. Ker so najbolj priljubljene podprte z denarjem in denarnimi ustrezniki, ki sledijo vrednosti USD, se uporabljajo kot kanali med tradicionalnimi financami in hitro rastočo sceno kriptovalut.

Over the years, in times of a crisis, especially tanking asset prices, the cumulative market cap of stablecoins also tends to increase. This is because stablecoins are, as the name suggests, “stable,” meaning crypto holders with Bitcoin or other volatile assets can revert to stablecoins as a refuge.

Crypto Bull Run ali beg na varno?

The inflow of stablecoins into exchanges also indicates optimism among retail and institutional traders. With an increasing share of USDT in Binance, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, it might suggest that traders are positioning themselves for a bull run.

Earlier today, on March 30, Bitcoin prices rose above $29,000 for the first time in Q1 2023. Although prices have recoiled, traders appear upbeat as bulls build on gains of March 29. Since mid-March, Bitcoin prices have increased by around 46% amid a banking crisis in the United States. 

Poleg cenovnega vidika je povečanje imetja USDT posledica ukaza Ministrstva za finančne storitve New Yorka (NYDFS) Paxosu, izdajatelju BUSD, naj preneha kovati nove žetone.

Also, earlier, USDC, the second most popular stablecoin, briefly de-pegged. In light of these events, most users converted stablecoin holdings to USDT.

Izvorni vir: NoviceBTC