Omrežje Shiba Inu zabeleži 2,538 novih naslovov v enem dnevu in preseže 3-mesečni rekord

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Omrežje Shiba Inu zabeleži 2,538 novih naslovov v enem dnevu in preseže 3-mesečni rekord

Shiba Inu (SHIB), priljubljena kriptovaluta, ki jo navdihujejo memi, je bila priča izjemnemu porastu omrežne dejavnosti, saj je nedavno zabeležila izjemno število novih naslovov. Po navedbah datum delil ugledni analitik Ali Charts, je bilo 2,538. maja ustvarjenih 26 novih naslovov SHIB, kar je največje povečanje v treh mesecih.

This surge in address creation has propelled the total number of addresses on Shiba Inu’s Shibarium’s Puppynet testnet to a milestone of over 16 million. The significant growth in network engagement reflects the growing adoption and use of Shiba Inu within the community.

Sprejem in dejavnost omrežja Shiba Inu

O Puppynet dashboard of Shiba Inu reveals that more than 16 million wallet addresses are actively interacting with the network, indicating a vibrant ecosystem. With over 1 million total blocks on the network and an average block time of just five seconds, Shiba Inu’s blockchain demonstrates its efficiency and scalability.

Furthermore, the network has processed a remarkable number of transactions, surpassing 13 million in total. These statistics highlight the increasing popularity and utilization of Šiba Inu within the cryptocurrency space.

Meanwhile, Shiba Inu’s surging network activity is closely aligned with its soaring social metrics. According to data from Lunar Crash, a reputable data aggregator, SHIB ranks among the top 10 coins by social mentions over the past week.

Predvsem družbene omembe družbe SHIB so v zadnjem tednu dosegle 10,240, medtem ko so njene družbene obveznosti dosegle 344.8 milijona. Če analiziramo njegovo tedensko uspešnost, se je družbena angažiranost SHIB znatno povečala za 20.7 % in dosegla 2 milijardi, medtem ko se je skupno število omemb povečalo za 6.5 ​​% na 168,000.

Omeniti velja, da je žeton privabil v povprečju 1,200 edinstvenih socialnih sodelavcev na uro, kar je poudarilo njegovo močno angažiranost skupnosti.

Najnovejša posodobitev za Shibarium

Po navedbah uradne osebe Izjava from Lucie, a key figure in the Shiba Inu’s ecosystem, the highly anticipated launch of Shibarium’s mainnet is expected to take place before the year’s end. Lucie revealed that Shibarium developer Shibarium 1 has speculated a launch date in August, while Shiba Inu lead Shytoshi Kusama predicts a slightly earlier launch julija.

Lucie emphasized the confidence of the Shiba team in the upcoming mainnet launch and highlighted the concerted efforts of multiple teams, including the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). However, the team remains focused on sustainable growth and is not engaging in any promotional tactics. Lucie stated that thorough testing processes and security audits are of utmost importance before the official launch, ensuring the reliability and robustness of the platforma.

Predvsem je očitno, da si ekosistem Shiba Inu marljivo prizadeva za uspešen zagon glavnega omrežja, pri čemer daje prednost varnosti in dolgoročni sposobnosti preživetja. Medtem ko projekt še naprej napreduje, zainteresirane strani nestrpno pričakujejo prihajajočo izdajo, ki bo igrala ključno vlogo pri oblikovanju prihodnosti SHIB.

Medtem je trg Shiba Inu (SHIB) pokazal vzpon po znatnem umiku v zadnjem tednu. V zadnjih 24 urah je SHIB narasel za 2.2 % s trgovalno ceno 0.00000879 USD.

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