Dobava stabilnih coinov se približuje smrti, slabe novice za Bitcoin?

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Dobava stabilnih coinov se približuje smrti, slabe novice za Bitcoin?

On-chain data shows the stablecoin supply long-term and short-term moving averages are close to a death cross. Here’s what it means for Bitcoin.

Drseča povprečja ponudbe stablecoina se približujejo Death Crossu

Kot je opozoril analitik v CryptoQuantu objava, if the stablecoin supply doesn’t increase, a bear market could return for Bitcoin. "ponudba stablecoinov v obtoku” je indikator, ki meri skupno količino stabilnih žetonov, ki so trenutno v obtoku.

Na splošno je glavni razlog, zakaj vlagatelji uporabljajo hleve, ta, da se izognejo nestanovitnosti, povezani z večino sredstev na trgu kriptovalut. Takšni imetniki imajo lahko s seboj pripravljene svoje stabilne kovance za pretvorbo v nestanovitne kovance, kadar koli menijo, da so cene primerne za ponovni skok.

When these investors do swap their stables back for coins like Bitcoin, they provide buying pressure to them and hence give a bullish boost to their prices. Because of this reason, the stablecoin circulating supply may be looked at as a store of buying pressure that can be deployed into any of the assets in the market at any point.

Now, here is a chart that shows the trend in the stablecoin circulating supply 21-day and 100-day moving averages (MAs), as well as in the Bitcoin price, over the past year:

The year 2020 saw some sharp growth in the stablecoin circulating supply, which, according to the quant, led to the Bitcoin bull run opazili leta 2021. Ta trend je smiseln, saj naraščajoča ponudba stabilnih kovancev kaže, da na trg kriptovalut vstopa več kapitala.

Iz grafikona je razvidno, da je ta rast potekala do februarja lani, nato pa je kazalnik obrnil smer in namesto tega začel padati.

This decline in the metric led to the 21-day MA crossing below the 100-day MA. Interestingly, this crossover seems to have coincided with the bear market kicking off for Bitcoin and the wider cryptocurrency sector, which means that this may have acted as a smrtni križ za trg.

Kratkoročni MA je ves čas padanja ostal pod dolgoročnim, toda pred kratkim, ko se je trenutni dvig začel, je prišlo do obratnega križa, v katerem se je 21-dnevni končno dvignil nad 100-dnevni.

This boost in the stablecoin circulating supply might have been what has provided the fuel for the latest move in the Bitcoin price. In the last few days, however, the indicator seems to have once again been dropping off, as can be seen in the graph.

21-dnevni MA je zdaj spet blizu 100-dnevnega MA in je v nevarnosti, da se oblikuje nov križ smrti. »Če se ponudba stabilnih kovancev v obtoku ne bo še povečala, menim, da bo kripto trg spet vstopil v medvedji trg,« opozarja analitik.

Bitcoin Cena

V času pisanja je dr. Bitcoin trguje okoli 23,000 $, kar je 2 % več v zadnjem tednu.

Izvorni vir: NoviceBTC