Zakaj Bitcoin Ni kot PayPal ali Venmo

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Zakaj Bitcoin Ni kot PayPal ali Venmo

Bitcoin is an entirely new paradigm of money, not a simple secondary payments layer built to increase ease of access like PayPal or Venmo.

To je uvodnik mnenj Marka Maraie, podjetnika, avtorja »Rainmaking Made Simple« in Bitcoiner.

Bitcoin is not like PayPal or Venmo. This would be obvious to anyone who understands money. As Shakespeare might say, “Ay, there’s the rub.” Almost no one understands money. We are never taught about how fiat money actually works at home or at school or at work … even when you work on Wall Street or you run the country. I’m confident very few politicians could pass a simple exam on money. I’m almost sure none of our federal employees could. And I’d hazard a guess that very few CEO’s or CFO’s of Fortune 500 companies could either.

Foto: Marques Thomas on Unsplash

Ne poznam nobene raziskave, ki bi ocenjevala razumevanje splošnega prebivalstva o denarju ali našem bančnem sistemu. V šoli tega zagotovo ne učimo. Preprosta vprašanja, kot so: 

“What is fractional reserve banking?” “What was the base layer of the global monetary system until 1971?” “What is the base layer of the US money supply now?”

…are complete mysteries to 99% of the population. But not to Bitcoiners

Bitcoin is the base layer of a new digital and decentralized monetary system that favors nihče. Dvema strankama omogoča, da sta oborožena z nič več kot z mobilni telefon to send value via the digital rails of Bitcoin from the U.S. to anywhere in the world, almost instantly, with no middle men. That’s why governments hate it so much!! Venmo and PayPal are not and will never be the base layer of a new digital and decentralized monetary system. Venmo and PayPal are second or third layers in our centralized fiat monetary system. They make life easier for many, but they come at the cost of centralized control and state financial surveillance and repression. All this talk of CBDCs makes me sick. Why? Because a CBDC ni nič drugega kot nadzorni kovanec.

Foto: Zlaťá on Unsplash

Nekoč v svoji zgodovini je bilo zlato osnovna plast analognega in centraliziranega monetarnega sistema. Vladne valute – zdaj vse fiat – so bile zgrajene kot druge plasti na vrhu zlata. Nato je leta 1971 Richard Nixon izvedel denarni čarovniški trik, katerega učinke čutimo še danes. Enostransko je prekinil preostalo povezavo dolarja, ki je bil unovčljiv za zlato. (Opomba: Ta sposobnost je imela vzeli od državljanov ZDA v zgodnjih 1900-ih. Kar je Nixon prekinil, je bila sposobnost druge države, da prejme zlato v zameno za ameriške dolarje.) Tako se je začel denarni eksperiment, ki traja še danes.

Why was that a magic trick? Because, presto chango, the dollar — not gold — was suddenly the new base layer of our monetary system as of that moment. Everything in our monetary and banking system today is built on top of that. I’m confident no other country would have approved the idea of an “unbacked dollar” becoming the world’s reserve currency at Bretton Woods if they knew that a short 27 years later the link to gold would be severed. It was a classic bait and switch or as most bitcoin call it — a rug pull.

Foto: Pavel Brodsky on Unsplash

The latest example of why it’s important to differentiate between the payments use case that compares bitcoin to PayPal and Venmo, and the true sound money narrative that bitcoin is actually about, is propad FTX

Too many people are led astray by claims that there are “superior” unsound cryptocurrencies which promise faster, cheaper payments. What they might not realize is that these promises are only made based on the centralization and lack of security that these altcoins are built on. Many who fell for this, invested on exchanges like FTX and may have ignored the Bitcoin Maximalist mantra of samoskrbništvo. Had attention been paid to the real underlying promise of bitcoin — that it is sound money that cannot be controlled by anyone, given self-custody — it is highly unlikely that they would have had assets on a cryptocurrency exchange like FTX.

Kot moj najljubši duhovno besedilo likes to remind me, “We’re in a prison of our own making.” What’s the “get out of jail free” card? Buy or get paid in bitcoin. Preklopite na a bitcoin Standard.

To je gostujoča objava Marka Maraie. Izražena mnenja so povsem njihova in ne odražajo nujno mnenj BTC Inc. oz Bitcoin Revija.

Izvorni vir: Bitcoin Revija