Zakaj najdejo veterani Bitcoin Tako prepričljivo

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Zakaj najdejo veterani Bitcoin Tako prepričljivo

The Constitution was the code which enabled the protocol of America, Land of the Free — and Bitcoin builds upon this freedom.

To je uvodnik mnenj Lukea Grooma, diplomanta West Pointa, vojaškega inženirskega častnika, kandidata za JD-MBA na Northwestern in honorarnega sodelavca za strategijo pri Marathon Digital Holdings. Njegovi pogledi ne predstavljajo nobene njegove organizacije.

Znotraj Bitcoin community, U.S. military service members are sometimes viewed with suspicion. I don’t know where this suspicion comes from. Maybe the libertarian elements of the community are against things that remind them of Big Government. Maybe Left elements of the community are against things that remind them of guns and violence. Maybe people think we are infiltrating the Bitcoin ranks to secretly further the interests of the Vojaško industrijski kompleks. I can only speculate. For me, the transition from service member to Bitcoiner is obvious. I will outline three reasons: freedom, responsibility and code. Throughout, I will refer to “military service members” and “Veterans” interchangeably, because they are the same people, just at different periods of life.

First, the key value which drives many young men and women to join the military is the same key value that Bitcoin promotes. If you ask someone why they chose to serve in the military, and continue to dig into their answer, somewhere in there is almost always a desire to promote liberty and freedom. At its core, Bitcoin is freedom money. It is free from debasement, free from political influence, free from seigniorage, free from centralization, free from manipulation and free from compulsion. Most people join the military because they value liberty. They value free markets. They want to fight for the “Land of the Free.” Sure, actual results may vary, but the desire is there.

Consider that we have centrally controlled fiat money, capable of debasement, political influence, theft via seigniorage and manipulated pricing via fixing of interest rates. Consider that fiat money is at least half of essentially every transaction. That means that not only do we not have a free market of money; we don’t have a free market of anything! Imagine the disillusionment of a service member who has dedicated their life to fighting for freedom, only to realize that we live in this unfree, manipulated-market world. Then they learn about Bitcoin. Postati a Bitcoiner means voting with your energy in favor of free markets and all the freedom that Bitcoin represents. They realize that if they put their energy into Bitcoin, whether their purchasing power goes up or goes down, they are fighting for freedom, just like their inspiration to join the military to begin with.

Drugič, večina veteranov hrepeni po večji osebni odgovornosti. Vojska je odlična za učenje mladih odgovornosti. Vstani. Pospravi si posteljo. telovadba. Pojdi v službo. Nosite pravo stvar. Bodi točen. Bodite zanesljivi. Bodite odgovorni. Svinec. Sledi. Poskrbite za svoje prijatelje. Vojska je vgradila prisilne funkcije za učenje odgovornosti.

Vendar pride čas, ko želite umakniti kolesje treninga. Želite pokazati svojo osebno odgovornost, ne da bi vas kdo pogledal čez ramo, da bi se prepričal, ali delate prav. Želite več kot pet možnosti za vaše pokojninske naložbe. Hočeš kričati, "Jaz sem pav, moraš me pustiti leteti!" Bitcoin aligns with that desire. You have to do your own research. You have to take responsibility for custody (or responsibility for counterparty risk). You have to accept the volatility in its conversion rate to fiat. There’s no safety net in the Bitcoin market, and that increased personal responsibility is liberating for many Veterans.

Nazadnje, vsak veteran priseže podpirati in braniti ustavo Združenih držav. Ko sem šel skozi pravno šolo, sem ta dokument bolj cenil. Živimo v polarizirani državi. Veliko te države sem videl iz prve roke, ko sem živel v Chicagu, New Yorku, Missouriju, Severni Karolini in Washingtonu. Živel sem v mestu, predmestjih in majhnih mestih. Delal sem z milijonarji in z ljudmi brez imena. Delil sem obroke z ljudmi, ki so izgubili prijatelje v boju v tujini, in z ljudmi, ki so protestirali v vojaških bazah. Naši državljani izgledajo drugače, zvenijo drugače in imajo zelo različne vrednote. Kaj drži to državo skupaj z državljani, ki so si tako različni?

Trdil bi, da ustava drži to državo skupaj in opredeljuje, kdo smo kot narod. Ustava je manj kot 5,000 besed kode, ki sproži protokol, ki so Združene države Amerike. Od takrat smo videli ta kodeks mehko razcepljen v obliki sprememb ustave. Videli smo plast za plastjo vlade, zgrajeno na vrhu te kode, na podoben način kot layers are being built upon Bitcoin. Nekateri bi lahko uspešno trdili, da smo videli kodo prezrto ali napačno interpretirano do nerazpoznavnosti. Vendar je ta kodeks v središču naše države. Vsak vojak priseže, da bo podpiral in branil ne človeka, ne vojaškega industrijskega kompleksa, ampak to ustavo. Za veterane, ki so že prisegli, da bodo morda dali svoja življenja za eno kodo, je korak, da sprejmejo denar, ki temelji na kodi, naraven.

Finally, my Veterans Day would not be complete without thanking a Veteran or two. Thank you, Anthony Pompliano and Preston Pysh. Without you two, I might still be thinking that Bitcoin was “probably nothing.” Happy Veterans Day.

This is a guest post by Luke Groom. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Revija.

Izvorni vir: Bitcoin Revija