Ameriški kongres namerava razveljaviti major Bitcoin Institucionalna ovira pri posvojitvi

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Ameriški kongres namerava razveljaviti major Bitcoin Institucionalna ovira pri posvojitvi

North Carolina Representative Wiley Nickel, joined by Senator Cynthia Lummis and Representative Mike Flood, has put forth a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution that could be of critical importance to the US Bitcoin and crypto industry. This significant legislative effort aims to overturn the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) directive requiring banks to include customer cryptocurrency assets on their balance sheets, potentially clearing a major hurdle for the institutional adoption of Bitcoin in druga digitalna sredstva.

The CRA resolution targets the SEC’s Staff Accounting Bulletin (SAB) 121, issued in March 2022. This controversial bulletin demanded that financial institutions reflect an equivalent liability on their balance sheets for each digital asset held. The digital asset sector widely criticized this requirement for its potential to undermine the operational viability of digital asset custodians.

In late October 2023, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) determined that SAB 121 was required to undergo Congressional review. Following this decision, legislators in both the House and the Senate have initiated formal actions to overturn the rule.

SAB 121 Is Crucial For Institutional Bitcoin Sprejetje

Perianne Boring, izvršna direktorica Zbornice za digitalno trgovino, močno komentiral on the issue, emphasizing the importance of this legislative move: “AB 121 has been one of the biggest impediments to institutional adoption of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. We’re breaking down this barrier to make digital assets more accessible to Americans.”

V celovitem Izjava, the Chamber of Digital Commerce applauded the bipartisan initiative of Senator Lummis, Representative Flood, and Representative Nickel. “Today’s bipartisan resolution represents a decisive action to ensure the SEC operates within its designated rulemaking authority,” the statement read. It further criticized the SEC for bypassing established procedures with SAB 121, thereby “compromising the integrity of the regulatory framework and violating principles of transparent and inclusive governance.”

SAB 121 SEC je bil predmet spora v skupnosti digitalnih sredstev. Zavezništvo žetonov Zbornice za digitalno trgovino je bilo v ospredju izpodbijanja tega pravila, zavzemanje za njegovo razveljavitev in sodelovanje z različnimi vladnimi organi, vključno z GAO. V svoji izjavi je zbornica poudarila njihova obsežna prizadevanja: "Delovni tok je kongresu predložil osem pisem v zvezi z zadevami skrbništva nad digitalnimi sredstvi, sodeloval z uradom glavnega računovodje pri SEC in pozval GAO, naj pregleda pravilo."

Pobuda ima dvostrankarsko podporo

O pomembnosti te resolucije razmišlja ameriški republikanec Mike Flood pripomnil: »SAB 121 predsednika Garyja Genslerja je bankam tako rekoč preprečil, da bi služile kot skrbniki digitalnih sredstev. Danes smo predstavnik Wiley Nickel, senator Lummis in jaz predstavili resolucije za razveljavitev grozljivega biltena SEC. SAB 121 so šteti dnevi – čas je, da gre!”

Tudi Patrick McHenry, predsednik GOP za finančne storitve deli his view, emphasizing the bipartisan nature of the opposition to SAB 121: “There is bipartisan agreement SAB 121 undermines consumer protection and leaves customers’ digital assets vulnerable. I look forward to getting this measure across the finish line to overturn it. Thanks to Mike Flood, Wiley Nickel, and Senator Lummis for your leadership.”

The introduction of the CRA resolution marks a significant moment in the evolving relationship between digital asset markets and regulatory frameworks in the United States. The outcome of this legislative effort has the potential to greatly influence the institutional adoption of Bitcoin In druge kriptokvote.

V času tiska oz. Bitcoin trgovan po 43,024 USD.

Izvorni vir: Bitcoinje