Ua Manatunatu e Kazakhstan Si'itaga Fa'alima ole Lafoga ole Eletise ile Crypto Mining

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Ua Manatunatu e Kazakhstan Si'itaga Fa'alima ole Lafoga ole Eletise ile Crypto Mining

O loʻo faʻatalanoaina e le au pulega i Kazakhstan tulafono faatonutonu fou mo le avanoa crypto a le atunuʻu e mafai ona oʻo atu ai i se faʻateleina o le mamafa o lafoga i luga o pisinisi maina. O se tasi o suiga ua fuafuaina o le siitia lea o le siitaga e lima o totogi o tagata eli e totogi i kilowatt-itula ta'itasi o le eletise o lo'o fa'aaogaina.

O Kamupani Fa'alina i Kazakhstan Sa Fa'amoemoe e Totogi Sili Atu i le Setete

O ofisa o le malo i Kazakhstan o loʻo finau i tulafono fou mo le pisinisi cryptocurrency. O tusitala o se tulafono faʻataʻitaʻiga "On Digital Assets in the Republic of Kazakhstan" na aofia ai nisi o mataupu e faʻatatau i le tuputupu aʻe o le vaega o le mining crypto, na lipotia e le aufaasālalau i le lotoifale.

Quoted by Kazinform, First Deputy Minister of Finance Marat Sultangaziyev noted at a recent meeting of an interdepartmental commission that mining activities are now subject only to faamauina, but more rules are to come. He also emphasized that it’s very difficult to identify underground miners who consume a lot of electricity illegally.

Kazakhstan has been trying to deal with a growing power deficit since last year when the country welcomed mining companies moving out of China after Beijing launched a crackdown on bitcoin minting operations in May. The shortages were tuuaia on miners and crypto farms were recently tapuni i lalo across the Central Asian nation.

O teuteuga o lo'o lumana'i o le a fa'atulafonoina uma ai le la'uina e le'i fa'atagaina. E le gata i lea, o lafoga mo faalapotopotoga resitala o le a siitia. O le taumafanafana talu ai, na faʻaalia ai e Kazakhstan se tau faaopoopo o le 1 tenge i le kilowatt-itula o le eletise faʻaaogaina, lea o loʻo manaʻo nei pulega e siitia i le 5 tenge i le kWh ($0.01), na faʻaalia e Sultangaziyev.

Ua fuafua fo'i Kazakhstan e fa'ae'e se lafoga i masini eli e tusa lava pe fa'aaoga pe le'i fa'aogaina. E tatau i kamupani maina ona lipotia le numera ma le ituaiga o latou masini tupe siliva ma totogi totogifuapauina fou i kuata ta'i kuata.

Hardware imports, exempted from value added tax at the moment, may also be charged with VAT. A proposal to exclude mining equipment from this exemption has been sent to the Ministry of Economy, the deputy finance minister announced.

Interruptions in power supply have already forced some mining companies to tuua Kazakhstan. To deal with the issue, the country increased electricity oloa faaulufale mai from the Russian Federation last year. The government intends to revive a project to construct a nuclear power plant.

Talosaga over high energy prices, those of fuels like natural gas in particular, led to political turmoil affecting the crypto mining industry in Kazakhstan, which ranks among the leaders in terms of share of global bitcoin hashrate.

E te manatu o le a tuʻua e le tele o tagata eliina crypto le Kazakhstan pe a faʻateleina e le atunuʻu le mamafa o lafoga i luga o pisinisi? Faasoa atu ou manatu i le mataupu i le vaega o faʻamatalaga o loʻo i lalo.

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