$2.5 Bhiriyoni muNFT Kutengesa Vhiki Rino, Vhoriyamu Inokwira 161%, Inosangana neNFT Sales Surge

By Bitcoin.com - 2 years ago - Nguva yekuverenga: 2 maminitsi

$2.5 Bhiriyoni muNFT Kutengesa Vhiki Rino, Vhoriyamu Inokwira 161%, Inosangana neNFT Sales Surge

Mumazuva manomwe apfuura, kwave nemadhora 2.53 bhiriyoni asiri-fungible token (NFT) kutengesa, kusvika 161% muvhiki rapfuura. Ethereum's blockchain yakanyora zvakanyanya NFT kutengesa ne $ 2.45 bhiriyoni yeaggregate nepo Solana network yakaona yakapoteredza $31.9 miriyoni mukutengesa kweNFT svondo rino. Kupfuura 258,536 NFT vatengi svondo rino, iyo NFT yekuunganidza Meebits yakabata $1.23 bhiriyoni mukutengesa kweNFT.

Ne $ 2.5 Bhiriyoni muNFT Kutengesa Pakati peMaketani gumi, Ethereum NFT Sales Inotonga neKupfuura 10%

Nhamba huru yezvisiri-fungible tokeni yekutengesa inoenderera mberi, sezvo kutengeswa kwakarekodhwa pamusoro pepamusoro gumi blockchains neNFT kuenderana kwakasvika madhora 10 bhiriyoni mukutengesa kweNFT.

The metric is up 161% during the course of the week, but Ethereum’s NFT sales represent the lion’s share. NFTs stemming from Ethereum captured $2.45 billion and sales on the Ethereum blockchain are up 184% according to cryptoslam.io’s data Svondo.

Kunze kwevhiki ino yepamusoro gumi blockchain network, Theta yakaona kuwedzera kwemazuva manomwe kutengesa ne490.39%. Kutengeswa paWax blockchain kwakawedzera ne17.10% uye Flow blockchain kutengesa kwakakwira ne1.04% svondo rapfuura.

The biggest sale this week, in terms of the most expensive NFT sold in seven days, was Meebit #13824 when it sold for 15,000 ETH or $50.61 million four days ago. Meebit #9711 sold for a touch less than #13824 at 14,730 ether or $49.25 million at the time of settlement.

Meebits yakaona 31,948.20% yemazuva manomwe kuwedzera kwekutengesa uye kuunganidza ndiyo yepamusoro NFT kuunganidzwa maererano nekutengesa kwevhiki rino. Muunganidzwa weMeebits wakaona vatengi mazana mashanu nemakumi manomwe nevaviri pakati pe574 kutengeserana vakashandisa madhora bhiriyoni mazana maviri nemakumi maviri nematatu mukutengesa.

The week’s second most sold collection is the NFT project chakapambwa as it has seen $281 million in weekly sales according to cryptoslam.io metrics. Loot is followed by Cryptophunks V2 as that NFT project saw $142 million in sales.

Nepo Opensea Inosvika madhora Mabhirioni gumi nemashanu, Axie Infinity Inosvika madhora Mabhirioni mana mune Yese-Nguva Yese NFT Kutengesa Vhoriyamu.

As Bitcoin.com News Zvinonzi earlier this week, there’s been an influx of traders leveraging the new NFT marketplace Looksrare. The Looksrare NFT market has outpaced Opensea’s seven-day sales statistics with $444.55 million.

Opensea has seen $120.55 million in sales this week, down 32.58% from the week prior. Solana’s Magic Eden was the third-largest marketplace this week with $7.68 million in sales, according to dappradar.com stats.

Meanwhile, two NFT projects are about to reach new milestones in terms of all-time NFT sales volume. The NFT marketplace opensea, which supports Ethereum and Polygon blockchains, is nearing $15 billion in total sales with $14.68 billion today.

Axie infinity is getting close to topping $4 billion in total sales, as the NFT project has accrued $3.94 billion so far. Furthermore, Flow’s NBA Top Shot is getting close to $1 billion in volume with $776.49 million total and Solana’s Magic Eden is also nearing the $1 billion mark with $615.05 million in all-time sales.

Iwe unofungei nezve vhiki ino isiri-fungible token kutengesa uye nhamba? Tizivise zvaunofunga nezvenyaya iyi muchikamu chemashoko pazasi.

Original source: Bitcoin.com