A sneak peek into what the next few days will look like for Solana-Serum duo

NaAMB Crypto - 2 makore apfuura - Nguva yekuverenga: 1 maminetsi

A sneak peek into what the next few days will look like for Solana-Serum duo

Vhiki rapfuura rave risingaite kune akawanda emusika tokens. Mari dzakaita seSolana neSerum dzakambotanga misangano yakazvimirira, dzakazopedzisira dzanyura mukuderera kwemusika panguva ino. Mutengo weSOL, kazhinji, wakaramba wakamira kutenderedza $200 mamaki, ukuwo SRM isingafambe kupfuura $5. […]

Original source: WBA Crypto