Bahrain Approves Crypto Payments Via EazyPay After Partnering With Binance Pay

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Bahrain Approves Crypto Payments Via EazyPay After Partnering With Binance Pay

ICentral Bank yeBahrain yakapa EazyPay a green signal to conduct crypto payments and also launch Bitcoin mudunhu.

EazyPay ndeye online yekubhadhara gedhi chikuva. Izvi zvakaziviswa neMukuru weEazyPay, Nayef Alawi.

EazyPay has now partnered with Binance, which is a renowned crypto exchange along with a payment services provider.

This partnership will enable EazyPay to carry out more than 5,000 point-of-sale (POS) terminals and payment gateways in Bahrain, which will help accept Bitcoin.

Users who are willing to use Bitcoin as a payment method shall be provided with a QR code from EazyPay’s platform.

This QR code from EazyPay that users will receive has to be scanned with the Binance App. This will help with smooth and instant payments in the chosen currency.

Binance will also offer convenience for businesses such as payment merchant EazyPay and for those merchants who wish to use the platform in order to get quick fiat conversions for these merchants.

Vatengesi vemunharaunda uye mafemu, anosanganisira Lulu Hypermarket, Sharf DG, Al Zain Jewelry, uye Jasmi's, achagamuchira anopfuura makumi manomwe crypto sesarudzo dzekubhadhara.

The payment has to go through by scanning the QR code from the EazyPay platform and then heading over to the Binance App.

Kuvandudza mukati meiyo Crypto Indasitiri muBahrain

Executive director webhanga rinoona nezveCBB, Khalid Hamad, vakorokotedza EazyPay nekugamuchira mvumo kubva kubhanga. Akati,

Special thanks go to the Central Bank of Bahrain, Binance and Eazy Financial Services

Not just the executive director, the CEO of Binance celebrated that EazyPay would be the first regulated and approved crypto and Bitcoin payment services that are being offered in the Middle Eastern and North African Region, also referred to as the MENA region.

Al Alawi akataurawo kuti Eazy Financial Services ikozvino yave nerezinesi uye zvakare inodzorwa neBahrain central bank.

Izvi zvinoita kuti EazyPay ive yechishanu poindi-yekutengesa (POS) uye yepamhepo yekubhadhara gedhi chikuva uye zvakare mupi webasa rekubhadhara.

Binance Previously Received Various Regulatory Approvals In Bahrain

Binance previously received multiple regulatory approvals in Bahrain, which included a crypto service provider licence along with a Category 4 license.

Bahrain inyika yechitatu diki muAsia, uye yanga ichifambira mberi mukutora cryptocurrency mumakore mashoma apfuura.

CBB yakatoburitsa hurongwa muna 2019 ine chekuita nemhando dzakasiyana dzezviitwa zvine chekuita nekrispto.

Izvi zvakasimbisa zviri pamutemo mitemo ine chekuita nerezinesi, hutongi, manejimendi enjodzi, anti-money laundering mwero, kushuma, chengetedzo, uye kunyangwe mimwe mitemo ine chekuita nekrispto-asset masevhisi.

Nadeem Ladki, Head of Business Development at Binance MENA, mentioned,

As a leader in its space, EazyPay’s decision to accept cryptocurrency payments and integrate Binance Pay into its systems raises the bar for innovation and demonstrates the way forward when it comes to the payment industry as we transition into the Web3 economy.

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Original source: Bitcoinndiko