Banking Insider kuHurumende: Unofanira Kuda Bitcoin Kuve Way More Private

By Bitcoinist - 1 gore rapfuura - Nguva yekuverenga: 4 maminitsi

Banking Insider kuHurumende: Unofanira Kuda Bitcoin Kuve Way More Private

According to this banking insider, the governments have it all wrong. Bitcoin is one of the least private assets out there, and they should change policies for the pendulum to swing the other way. In the banking insider’s opinion, instead of protecting them, the governments have been harming their citizens with the current draconian measures. That sounds convenient for bitcoin, sure, but this banking insider seems like the real deal. 

Iye kana iye, nechimiro chekusazivikanwa, akanyora an essay for The Bitcoin Policy Institute. It starts with, “Financial privacy – and, more specifically, the requirement to obtain informed consent prior to the collection and use of another’s personal financial information – is fundamental to individual freedom.” From there, it goes to Mordor and back. Is the banking insider on to something? Or is the banking insider just toeing the bitcoin’ party line? Let’s examine what she or he said and find out.

Asi chekutanga, hatifanire kupatsanura ndima iyi kubva pamitsetse yekutanga. Kunovaperekedza uye kunovatsigira.

"Nekuda kwekutyisidzirwa kwakapetwa kaviri kwekuwedzera kuri kuita cybercrime uye kuwedzera kuongororwa kwehurumende uye kuongorora mafambisirwo emari, kuvanzika kwemari kwemunhu kuri kurwiswa nenzira dzakawanda, uye mitengo yechokwadi yave kutanga kubuda nenzira dzinoonekwa."

This is a very important subject and the world should thoroughly discuss it ASAP. This banking insider is doing the governments a favor by explaining to them how privacy works in bitcoin. The essay also reads like a preemptive strike against possible Tornado Cash-like sanctions against the bitcoin network.

NezveMunyori/ The Banking Insider

Kazhinji, hatikanganise mafambiro echinyorwa neruzivo rwemunyori, asi panguva ino zvakakosha. Kana vaverengi vasingatendi mubhangi mukati, havangatori mazwi ake ehuchenjeri zvakanyanya. Munhu uyu anoziva zviri kuitika.

"Munyori ari kusarudza kusazivikanwa kuti achengetedze zita ravo uye kambani yavanoshandira. Vakashanda kumasangano ezvemari akawanda anotengeserana pachena munzvimbo yekudzivirira kubiridzira uye kuderedza nzvimbo; kubva pamaitiro epasi kusvika kune bhizinesi zano uye mutemo. " 

Vakashandawo mu "identity verification" uye vanobatanidzwa muKYC uye AML "kuteerera uye kushuma." Wekubhengi mukati ari kushanda kubhanga, achivabatsira "kudzivirira hutsotsi uye kutevedzera mirau iripo pamusoro pekuzivikanwa kwevatengi." Yambiro yavo kuhurumende nevagari vemo inotyisa sezvinodiwa.

"Semunhu akaona kubiwa kwezvitupa kuchisimudzira hupenyu hwevasingaverengeki vakabatwa, ndinoziva kukosha kwekuvanzika kwemari kuchengetedza vatengi kubva kune vanobira uye nematsotsi network yakawedzera mumakore gumi nemashanu apfuura. Zvinofungidzirwa kuti kurasikirwa kwechitsotsi pasi rose kwakaenzana ne15% yeGDP yepasi rose, ichisvika pamadhora zviuru zvishanu nemazana matatu emadhora muna 6.4. Nyanzvi dzinoti kuchengetedza nekuchengetedza ruzivo rwezvemari sechimwe chezviito zvakakosha zvingaitwa nemunhu kuderedza kutyisidzira uku.

And since we’re giving credit where its due, The Bitcoin Policy Institute rinozvitsanangura as “a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization researching the policy and societal implications of Bitcoin and emerging monetary networks.”

BTC mutengo chati ye09/22/2022 paFX | Kunobva: BTC/USD pa The Banking Insider Pamusoro Pekuvanzika

Sekureva kwemubhengi mukati, "mari inopa yakavanzika yepamusoro-soro." Chechipiri, tine makambani emakadhi echikwereti kana mabhangi, nemamwe mazwi, "mapato echitatu kuti atiitire kutengeserana." Tichishandisa aya, pane "nzvimbo yakavanzika" nekuti makambani aya "akasungwa nemutemo kuti asaburitse ruzivo rwedu rwekutengeserana kubva kune vamwe pasina mvumo yedu."

You know who’s in the third place, “because Bitcoin is an open, public ledger, a user’s transaction history is available publicly to everyone.” The transparency of the bitcoin network means that “anyone can see all the transactions in the past that are linked to the holdings in that wallet address – and in many cases, how much Bitcoin is in the wallet!”

That leads us to prevention. Just in case lawmakers are thinking about directing a Tornado Cash-like attack on bitcoin:

"Bitcoin users who don’t want to share their entire transaction history or net worth when transacting with a merchant can use collaborative transaction tools to bring their financial privacy up to par with their other payment methods. These tools provide a similar service to what Visa provides its users today; they shield transactional details from both the counterparty to the transaction and from external observers.”

Haisi chete kuti kudyidzana kwekutengeserana haisi mhosva. Izvo zvakakosha kuti system ipe zvakavanzika. 

"Izvi zvekudyidzana kutengeserana maturusi anoratidza bhenefiti rakajeka kune vanopedza-vashandisi asi vanoonekwa vachifungira nevanogadzira mitemo uye masangano emari ari kugonesa crypto exchanges uye masevhisi, sezvo maturusi aya ari zvakare conceptually kukwezva matsotsi anoda kuedza" kutyora cheni. "kuonekwa mumanyuko emari yavo."


In the end, the banking insider is only saying that bitcoin users deserve “the same level of financial privacy that Americans are legally entitled to for day-to-day transactions – regardless of how those individuals choose to pay or be paid.” And that the system is different enough to deserve a new set of rules. And that this is not a trivial matter.

“Sezvo Bitcoin users grow via regulated exchanges, lawmakers must ensure that their financial privacy is protected at the same level as all other regulated payment rails. If this isn’t addressed soon, the global threat that fraud poses today will only accelerate.”

Rangarira, "nyanzvi dzinotaura kuchengetedza nekuchengetedza ruzivo rwemari yako sechimwe chezviito zvakakosha izvo munhu anogona kutora kuderedza" kutyisidzira kwekuvanzika.

Inoratidzwa Image ne Jason Dent on Unsplash | Machati na KutengesaView

Original source: Bitcoinndiko