Binance And Luxury Brand Vertu Paris To Roll Out New Smartphone NFTs

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Binance And Luxury Brand Vertu Paris To Roll Out New Smartphone NFTs

Crypto kuchinjana Binance and luxury brand Vertu is celebrating luxury and innovation.

In honor of the 22nd anniversary of Vertu Paris and the introduction of the next generation of smartphones, the luxury brand is forging a partnership with Binance to salute the ultimate integration of cryptocurrencies, Web 3.0, NFTs, and the new smartphone.

As part of the event, Vertu Paris will exclusively release the new Vertu Constellation X UlmTM smartphone on June 20 via Binance.

Nekutenga NFT kubva pawebhusaiti yeVertu Paris, vanozvipira mumhando yavo vachakwanisa kutenga imwe yenharembozha dzinopfuura zviuru gumi.

Mutengo weConstellation wepamutemo ungangoita zviuru gumi nezvishanu zvemadhora, zvisinei zvishandiso zvichave zviripo pamhepo nemadhora zviuru zvishanu nemazana mana nemakumi manomwe nemashanu chete.

Binance Unveils Luxury NFTs By Vertu

Some 1,000 NFTs will be available on the Binance NFT platform. The remaining NFTs will be for sale on the decentralized platform on the Vertu Paris website.

Mutengi weNFT ane kusvika Gunyana 23 kusarudza pakati pesarudzo mbiri.

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Mutengo weConstellation unosvika zviuru gumi nezvishanu zvemadhora. Mufananidzo: Cryptoslate.

Danho rokutanga nderokushandura chiratidzo chisingaiti-fungible muVertu Constellation X ULM chaiyo, iyo yavachazogamuchira mushure meFebruary wegore rinotevera.

Chechipiri, vanogona kuchengetedza NFT vojoinha iyo itsva Vertu 3.0 bhizinesi kirabhu, iyo inobatanidza vatengi veiyo brand newebhu 3.0 nharaunda.

Nechinangwa chekuita kuti "zvinoshamisa" zviwanikwe, iyo itsva Vertu Constellation musanganiswa wekucheka-kumucheto tekinoroji hunyanzvi uye haute couture hunyanzvi.

Vertu's Constellation Yakatakurwa NeRobust Tech

Iyo Constellation yakazara neakasimba 5G kugona, chigunwe chemunwe chekuchengetedza biometric, kubatana kwepasirese nembiri mbiri SIM, uye inofema 6.71-inch 120Hz kuratidza. Ndiyo shamwari yakakodzera kune vafambi vepasirese uye vanofarira vepremium smartphones.

Communitake, piyona uye mutungamiriri weindasitiri munharaunda yekuchengetedzwa kwekutaurirana, akanyoreswa neVertu kuti agadzire iyo yepakati mobile gizmo.

BTC yakazara musika chivharo pamadhora 385 bhiriyoni pane zuva nezuva chati | Kwakabva:

Kukurukurirana kwese uye kupindirana kwemeseji kuchavharidzirwa uchishandisa tekinoroji yeCommunitake yekudzivirira kubatwa kwezwi, data, uye nzvimbo. Pawebhusaiti yeCommunitake, vatengesi vanowana ese Vertu Paris kuchengetedza masevhisi.

Vertu mugadziri ane dzimbahwe reBritish uye anotengesa zveumbozha, akagadzirwa nemaoko nharembozha dzakavambwa muna 1998 neFinnish inogadzira nharembozha Nokia.

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Chinangwa cheVertu, maererano nevaongorori vezvigadzirwa, chaiva chokushambadzira nharembozha sezvinhu zvefashoni, nechikonzero chokuti “kana uchigona kushandisa $20,000 pawachi, wadii parunhare?”

Vertu ndiko kusikwa kweaimbova mukuru weNokia tech dhizaini, muItaly Frank Nuovo.

Mufananidzo unoratidzwa kubva kuTheCryptNews, chati kubva

Original source: Bitcoinndiko