Binance Faces Examination In Singapore Following The Collapse Of FTX

By Bitcoinist - 1 gore rapfuura - Nguva yekuverenga: 2 maminitsi

Binance Faces Examination In Singapore Following The Collapse Of FTX

The collapse of FTX crypto exchange is brewing several reactions both within and outside the crypto industry, such as the recent probe on Binance. First, from the sudden meltdown of the firm, an insolvency contagion erupted among several exchange investors. Now, more bankrupt companies increased.

Vamwe vatongi vakavhura kuferefeta mukudonha kweFTX. Zvakazarurwa zvinokatyamadza zvakatenderedza mashandiro epuratifomu yakaputsika zvino zvinoshanda sechikonzero chekuwedzera kutonga kwekutonga. Uye zvakare, dzimwe imbwa dzinotarisa dzakawedzera probe yavo kune dzimwe crypto exchanges dzinoshanda mukati medunhu ravo.

Singapore Police Force Investigates Binance

In rapfuura ripoti, the world’s largest crypto exchange Binance is facing a new probe in Singapore. The financial crime investigation unit of the Singapore Police Force handles the investigation.

Before, some people expressed doubts regarding the treatment Binance received in Singapore. They believe the country offers preferential treatment to Binance compared to FTX.

The collapse of FTX started with a drama with Binance. The latter announced its decision to liquidate all its holdings of FTX Token (FTT). Following its announcement, FTT started plummeting and has never recovered since then.

Binance Probe Linked To A Breach Of Rules On Local Payment Services

Sekureva kweshumo, kuferefeta kuri pamusoro pekutyorwa kwemitemo pamasevhisi ekubhadhara emuno. Monetary Authority yeSingapore yakaratidza kuti kuferefetwa kwakawedzera sezvo mukuru wezvemari munyika akaendesa nyaya iyi kuchikamu chehutsotsi cheMapurisa. Mapurisa akati acharamba achimirira kutaura kusvika vapedza kuferefeta.

This probe from the Singapore police is compounding the struggles for Binance as the exchange is also under investigation in the US. The latter is trying to ascertain if Binance broke some securities rules in the country.

Last year, the exchange’s Singapore affiliate withdrew its application to operate as a crypto exchange. This was some months after Binance made it a part of the alert list of the MAS.

While commenting through an email, a Binance spokesperson confirmed strict compliance of the exchange to Singaporean laws. Also, the spokesperson noted that the exchange would not comment on the probe due to its confidential roles.

Mabhindauko akati wandei ekudyara kweiyo yakadonha yeFTX kuchinjanisa akazivisa kurasikirwa kukuru pachikuva. Nepo vazhinji vachitaura huwandu hwekufumurwa uye mukana wekuzvinyora, vamwe vakanyarara.

Crypto musika inokwira pane chati | Kwakabva: Crypto Yakazara Musika Kapu pa

Mamwe mafemu akakanganisika ane FTX contagion anosanganisira Galaxy Digital, Genesis, Sequoia Capital, BlockFi, uye Galois Capital. Uyezve, nyanzvi dzeCrypto dzinotenda kuti chitima chichatora nguva refu.

Yakaratidzwa mufananidzo kubva kuPixabay, chati kubva ku

Original source: Bitcoinndiko