Bitcoin Investor Cohorts Now Have Close Cost-Basis, What Does It Say About Market?

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Bitcoin Investor Cohorts Now Have Close Cost-Basis, What Does It Say About Market?

Data shows the different Bitcoin investor cohorts now have their cost-basis packed together in a tight range. Here’s what this may tell us about the current market.

zvose Bitcoin Investor Groups Have Cost-Basis Between $18.7k And $22.9k

Maererano neshumo yevhiki nevhiki kubva girazi node, mutengo-hwaro hwemusika wakafara weBTC parizvino uri kutenderera $20.2k.

Here, the “cost-basis” refers to the price at which the average investor in the Bitcoin market acquired their coins.

Musika wese unogona kupatsanurwa kuita maviri makuru ekudyara mari cohorts, iyo "venguva pfupi vanobata"(STHs) uye"vane nguva refu” (LTHs).

Boka reSTH rinosanganisira vese vanoisa mari vakawana mari yavo mukati memazuva zana nemakumi mashanu nemashanu apfuura. MaLTH, kune rumwe rutivi, anogadzirwa nevabati vanga vachibata mari yavo kubva mazuva anopfuura zana nemakumi mashanu apfuura.

Zviverengero, boka reLTH ndiro cohort iro risingaite zvishoma kutengesa mari yavo chero nguva, sezvo vanodyara mari vanochengeta mari yavo zvishoma zvingaite kuti vaparadze dormancy yavo.

Mutengo-hwaro werimwe remapoka maviri aya mutengo uyo wepakati investor weaiti cohort akatenga mari yavo.

Now, here is a chart that shows the trend in the cost-basis of both LTHs and STHs, as well as that of the wider Bitcoin musika:

Zvinotaridza kunge mutengo wakarambwa neSTH mutengo-hwaro kwete kare kare | Kwakabva: Glassnode's The Vhiki Onchain - Vhiki 49, 2022

As you can see in the above graph, the cost-basis of the Bitcoin STHs has declined as the bear market has gone on, something that makes sense as this cohort only includes investors who bought recently. Naturally, the “recent” prices during the bear have been lower and lower.

Iyo LTH mutengo-hwaro yakawedzera zvishoma kumusoro sevanoisa mari vakatenga panguva yemitengo yepamusoro vava chikamu cheboka iri. Parizvino, metric iyi ine kukosha kwe $22.9k.

Izvi hazvisi kure zvakanyanya kubva ku18.7k mutengo-hwaro hweSTHs uye iyo $20.2k mutengo-hwaro wemusika wakafara. Izvi zvinoreva kuti mapoka akasiyana evatengesi mumusika wazvino akawana mari yavo nemitengo yakafanana.

Zvinorehwa neizvi ndezvekuti njodzi inoonekwa uye mukana pakati pevose vanobata, ingave yenguva pfupi kana yakareba, yakafanana. "Sezvakadaro, zvinowanzoitika kuti musika wakasanganiswa unotanga kuzvibata nenzira yakabatana mukupindura kusagadzikana," inodaro mushumo.

BTC Mutengo

Panguva yekunyora. BitcoinMutengo inoyangarara yakatenderedza $17k, kukwira 3% muvhiki rapfuura.

BTC inoramba yakabata yakatenderedza $17k chiratidzo | Kwakabva: BTCUSD pane TradingView Mufananidzo unoratidzwa kubva, machati kubva,

Original source: NhauBTC