Bitcoin Layer 3: Chii chinonzi Impervious Browser? Tinogona Kuzvitarisira Rini?

By Bitcoinist - 2 years ago - Nguva yekuverenga: 4 maminetsi

Bitcoin Layer 3: Chii chinonzi Impervious Browser? Tinogona Kuzvitarisira Rini?

The Impervious browser is upon us. The company will launch its most ambitious product at the Bitcoin 2022 conference in Miami, on April 7th. What is it, though? And, while you’re at it, what does Impervious do? Well, the company builds “tools and infrastructure for the P2P internet.” That is, the Internet without centralized intermediaries.

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The company works over the Lightning Network, on bitcoin’s third layer. They already “released a bundle ye APIs” which created “a programmatic layer for Bitcoin.” On that third layer, the Impervious browser lives. In ichangoburwa yepepanhau ravo, the company described what we can expect from it. And Bitcoinist is here to summarize it because we know how busy you are.

Iyo Impervious Browser: Yako Portal kune P2P Internet

Zoom, pasina Zoom.
Google Docs, isina Google.
Pakati, pasina Medium.
WhatsApp, pasina WhatsApp.
Kubhadhara, pasina mabhangi.
Identity, pasina nyika.

All without centralized intermediaries #Bitcoin @mheni

- (@ImperviousAi) December 13, 2021

Impervious yakatovimbisa zvakawanda muna Zvita tweet, zvinoti: 

Zoom, pasina Zoom.
Google Docs, isina Google.
Pakati, pasina Medium.
WhatsApp, pasina WhatsApp.
Kubhadhara, pasina mabhangi.
Identity, pasina nyika.

Vanogona kununura, kunyange zvakadaro? Sezviri pachena, vanogona. 

Is Bitcoin Layer 3 Even A Thing?

Imwe nzira yekutarisa zviri kuitwa nekambani, maererano kuna Jimmy Song, ivo "vachaita kuti imwe node yeMheni ive sevha pamwe nemutengi." Anobva awedzera kuti, "Kurota kweinternet yakasarudzika kunoratidzika kunge kuri kuvaka pamberi pemeso edu!" Zvisinei, ngatidzokei shure. 

What’s this “bitcoin layer 3” all about? The Impervious zvinyorwa inotsanangura zviri nyore:

“At layer one, there exists the Bitcoin network – money, deep storage, global root trust.

Pachikamu chechipiri, pane Mheni Network - mari, kubhadhara kwemvura, peer kune kuvimba nevezera.

Pachikamu chetatu, pane Impervious Network - zvikumbiro, kutenderera mari yekubhadhara, uye node federation. "

Chii chinogona kuita, kunyange zvakadaro? Nokuda kwaizvozvi, tinodzokorora Coindesk:

"Layer 3" network iyo inogona kushandiswa kumisikidza yakasarudzika yakavanzika network (VPNs), kutumira mameseji mapuratifomu, kana kuburitsa mavhidhiyo kana maDJ kana podcasts. "Ndinogona kunge ndiri kuChina, kana kuti ndiri kuIran, uye izvi zvinotibvumira kutaura takasununguka pasina kuongororwa," anotsanangura Chase Perkins, Impervious 'muvambi uye CEO." 

Mune mamwe mazwi, sekutaura kunoita pepanhau, "Impervious APIs inogonesa chero application kana sevhisi kufambisa cryptographically yakachengeteka, censorship uye yekutarisa inopokana yekufambisa data nzira."

BTC mutengo chati ye 03/02/2022 paOanda | Kunobva: BTC/USD pa

Iyo Impervious Browser Inoshanda Sei?

Pfungwa iri pano ndeyekuti iyo yese system yakavharidzirwa uye haivimbi nevechitatu mapato kana zviremera zvepakati. Zvakanaka, asi, zvinoshanda sei? Zvakanaka, "nekupindirana mheni, Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), DIDComm system, WebRTC, IPFS uye nezvimwe mukushandisa kwakajairika, iyo Impervious Browser inokwanisa kupa sutu yese yekugona kushandisa P2P."

Chii Chigadzirwa Chinopa?

When Impervious says “WhatsApp, without WhatsApp,” they mean secure P2P messaging. The company promises “real-time P2P communication between browsers and DIDs” and “Secure P2P file transfer.” When the company says “Zoom, without Zoom,” they mean secure P2P audio and video calls. That is “audio, video, messaging, and real-time data transmission.” They also promise that the “conversation only lives until the end of the call” and “available usage of data channels (ex. file transfers and games)” Impervious also promises “an anonymous, publicly accessible, decentralized data store” using the InterPlanetary File System or IPFS.  When the company says “Google Docs, without Google,” they mean real-time P2P collaborative workspaces. Users will be able to “share the document privately amongst authorized peers, without unauthorized users or third parties being aware of the files existence.” What does “Medium, without Medium” mean? Newsletters, subscriptions, and direct content monetization. The Impervious browser lives over the Lightning Network, so, payments are already part of the system. Users will be able to “create pay-to-play links, prompting peers to fulfill a key exchange or Lightning Invoice to view premium content.” The most exciting feature might be “Identity, without the State.” Using decentralized user identity (DID), users will be able to “generate decentralized identities via ION (a globally accessible, public, Decentralized Identifier network that runs on top of the Bitcoin blockchain) – directly from the Impervious Browser.”

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There are few projects that sound as exciting as this one. However, the question remains: can Impervious deliver? We’ll have to wait for Bitcoin 2022 to find out. 

Featured Image: Impervious Browser preview kubva pane iyi tweet | Machati na KutengesaView

Original source: Bitcoinndiko