Bitcoin Vacheri Vanoramba Vachigovera, Chiratidzo Chakashata cheRally?

By Bitcoinist - 1 gore rapfuura - Nguva yekuverenga: 2 maminitsi

Bitcoin Vacheri Vanoramba Vachigovera, Chiratidzo Chakashata cheRally?

On-chain shows Bitcoin miners have been in a phase of distribution recently, a sign that could prove to be bearish for the price of the crypto.

Bitcoin Miner Reserve Observes Downtrend As Miners Look To Dump

As pointed out by an analyst in a CryptoQuant post, the latest selling from BTC miners may force the price down in the short term.

The “miner reserve” is an indicator that measures the total amount of Bitcoin currently stored in the wallets of all miners.

Kana kukosha kwechiratidzo ichi kuchikwira, zvinoreva kuti vashandi vemigodhi vari kuisa mari muzvikwama zvavo izvozvi. Maitiro akadaro, kana akarebeswa, anogona kuve chiratidzo chekuunganidza kubva kune iyi network validators, uye inogona nekudaro kuve bullish pamutengo weBTC.

Nekune rimwe divi, kuderera kwehunhu hwemetric kunoratidza kuti vashandi vemumigodhi vari kutamisa mambure emari kubva mumatura avo panguva ino. Sezvo vashandi vemumigodhi vanowanzobvisa BTC yavo nekuda kwezvinangwa zvekutengesa, rudzi urwu rwemaitiro runogona kuva bhizari kune kukosha kwekrispto.

Zvino, heino chati inoratidza mafambiro mu Bitcoin miner reserve over the last several months:

Looks like the value of the metric has been going down in recent days | Source: CryptoQuant

Sezvauri kuona mune iri pamusoro girafu, iyo Bitcoin miner reserves have been trending downwards during the past couple of weeks, while the price has been going up.

Izvi zvinogona kuratidza kuti vashandi vemumigodhi vanogona kunge vari kutora chikamu mukugovera munguva pfupi yapfuura, vachitora mukana wemitengo yakakwira.

Kutengeswa uku kubva kuvacheri kunogona kudzikisira musangano wazvino uno uye kudzikisa kukosha kwemari pasi, munguva pfupi.

The reason behind such dumping from this cohort is the recent shrinking revenues in Bitcoin mining. Many miners might need to sell more than usual to pay off their running costs at these lower revenues.

Vamwe vashandi vemumigodhi vachange vachisarirwa nekubhadhara mari dzemigodhi yavo kuitira kuti vatengese mari yavo yakawanda kuti vabhadhare mumamiriro ezvinhu aripo.

BTC Mutengo

Panguva yekunyora. BitcoinMutengo unoyangarara uchitenderedza $24.5k, uchikwira 6% mumazuva manomwe apfuura. Mumwedzi wapfuura, iyo crypto yakawana 21% mukukosha.

Chati iri pazasi inoratidza mafambiro ari mumutengo wemari pamazuva mashanu apfuura.

The value of the crypto seems to have been moving sideways since the rise a few days ago | Source: BTCUSD on TradingView Featured image from Dmitry Demidko on, charts from,

Original source: Bitcoinndiko