Bitcoin Inomira Dominance yeDhora Zvirinani Kupfuura Equities, Goridhe, Etc.

By Bitcoinist - 1 gore rapfuura - Nguva yekuverenga: 2 maminitsi

Bitcoin Inomira Dominance yeDhora Zvirinani Kupfuura Equities, Goridhe, Etc.

Bitcoin, along with the majority of the crypto market, hasn’t always been friends with the month of September.

Bitcoin records MTD performance rate of 0.83% Gold struggles along with equities such as SPX and NDQ Gold’s total market value currently stands at $75.086 trillion

Nhoroondo, Gunyana inoonekwa seyakashata kune cryptocurrencies sezvo machati ari mu crypto space anogara ari mutsvuku anenge mazuva ese.

But, even with one of its worse seasons so far, Bitcoin manages to outperform other prime assets like gold and equities.

Iyo crypto mambo, maererano nekutevera kubva CoinGecko, iri kutengesa pamadhora gumi nemasere, 18,735 uye yakadzikisa kuderera kwayo kwemazuva manomwe kusvika pasi pe1%. Nekudaro, ichiri kutarisa pakurasikirwa kwakakosha kweawa makumi maviri nemana, parizvino painoda kusvika 24%.

Although it spiraled down a bit, Bitcoin was able to make just enough recovery and have a better performance compared to gold and U.S. indexes.

sei Bitcoin Edged Gold And Other Assets

Kuita kwaGunyana kweMTD kwezvinhu zvakasiyana kunopa data rinobatsira kuitira kupaza kuti crypto inotungamira ligi yakakwanisa sei kumira kumanikidzwa kubva kuUSD nezvimwe zvinhu zvinokwikwidza.

Kunobva: Arcane Research uye TradingView

As can be seen from the chart, the Dollar Strength Index (DYX) placed higher than the Bitcoin (0.83%), seeing returns at a rate of 4.24%.

Asi nekuti kuita kweiyo digitaalinen asset inoyerwa neUSD, zvinozotevera kuti kana dhora rapfuura mamwe ese midziyo, iri panguva imwe chete iri kupfuudzwa neiyo cryptocurrency, Arcane Research inoratidza.

Ethereum, dubbed as “king of all altcoins,” and considered as the main rival of Bitcoin, was at the tail end of the performance chart with its 10.88% MTD performance.

Mafambisirwo Anoitwa Zvimwe Zvinhu

The total market cap of gold currently stands at $75.086 trillion. However, that value wasn’t enough to keep it from being surpassed an asset akin to Bitcoin.

The Total Crypto Cap (TCC) had an MTD performance rate of 1.77% and placed behind Bitcoin (0.83) and ahead of gold (4.24%).

Iyo simbi yakakosha, kune chikamu chayo, yakakwanisa kugara pamberi peS&P 500 (5.8%) uye NASDAQ (6%).

Ethereum (ETH) ndiyo yakaipisisa mumwedzi waSeptember, ine chiyero cheMTD che10.86% chakanga chisiri chekubatsira kune nyaya yeTCC, maererano neArcane.

Nyanzvi dzinoti hype yese pamusoro pemutengo weasset isati yaitika Merge yakave nemhedzisiro yakakura pamabatiro ayo mwedzi uno.

BTCUSD index shows Bitcoin losing grip on the $19k handle on the daily chart | Source: Mufananidzo unoratidzwa kubva kuCapacity Media, Chati:

Original source: Bitcoinndiko