Bitcoin’s Fear and Greed Index Stays In “Greed Zone” For 13 Straight Days — Can BTC Sustain The Bull Run?

By ZyCrypto - 1 gore rapfuura - Nguva yekuverenga: 2 maminetsi

Bitcoin’s Fear and Greed Index Stays In “Greed Zone” For 13 Straight Days — Can BTC Sustain The Bull Run?

Bitcoin has entered the greed zone with the Fear and Greed Index at a 10-month high of 61, signalling a strong bullish sentiment.  The recent change in investors’ sentiments comes following BTC’s price surge this year after months in the red zone. Experts share their opinions on the feasibility of BTC sustaining its recent price and how investors can predict if it is another bull trap. 

After several months of fear around the prices of digital assets, investors are now beginning to look more confident in the prospects of Bitcoin (BTC) and other assets following price surges in the past two weeks.

Bitcoin’s Fear and Greed Index reached a 10-month high as it tapped 61 over the weekend, signalling a strong bullish sentiment in the market. As of Dec 2022, the index was at 25 showing intense fears from investors in the aftermath of the FTX implosion.

Iyo ichangoburwa yekukwira mumusika yakasundidzira index kusvika makumi mashanu neshanu muna Ndira 52, kure nenzvimbo yekutya, uye yakaramba iripo kubva ipapo. Iyo index ichirova nzvimbo isina kwayakarerekera yaive nguva yekutanga kutiza kutya ndima muzvikamu zvitatu.

BTC ikozvino inoshandura maoko pa $ 23,005 panguva yekunyora, ichiratidza kuwedzera kwemutengo kwepamusoro pe40% kubva pakutanga kwegore. Kuvhiya kwacho kwakanyorwawo mune zvimwe zviwanikwa zvedhijitari, ine inotungamira altcoin, Ethereum (ETH), zvakare ichirekodha zvakafanana zvakawana.

Bitcoin’s Fear and Greed Index optimizes social signals from various sources to determine the current market sentiment hovering around the asset. These signals to several traders indicate BTC going bullish (investors have gone greedy) or bearish ( investors are in fear). The index is made up of scores from 0-100, ranging from Extreme fear (Orange) to Extreme Greed (Green).

BTC inogona kuchengetedza nzombe inomhanya here? 

While the metric indicates that bulls are gearing up for another run, some commentators are still sceptical about the sustainability of such hopes. With a price of $23,005, Bitcoin has definitely made tremendous gains after the FTX saga, which saw it trade below $17,000.

Chati yeBTCUSD na KutengesaView

Kana BTC nezvimwe zvinhu zvemadhijitari zvichienda kune imwe nzombe inomhanya, chinhu chakakosha chinoderedzwa inflation manhamba uye mubereko. Gore rapfuura inflation uye yakakura macroeconomic zvinhu zvakakonzera kudzikira kwemusika wecryptocurrency mushure mekunge maCentral Banks akati wandei asimudza mhindu yekumisa inflation.

Nhau dzakanaka ndedzekuti hurumende dzakawanda dziri kurekodha nhamba dzekukwira kwemitengo dzinoratidza shanduko mumusika wemidziyo yedhijitari, asi mombe inogona kumhanya kana muteyo wemombe uchiri kurembera muchiyero. 

Original source: ZyCrypto