Cardano Beats Solana And Bitcoin As Most Preferred Ethereum Alternative

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Cardano Beats Solana And Bitcoin As Most Preferred Ethereum Alternative

Cardano yakabuda seyakanyanya kufarirwa ETH imwe nzira yekutengeserana uye kuchengetedza nevashandisi vecrypto pasirese.

Izvi zvinoenderana ne a Twitter poll conducted by Vitalik Buterin on Friday asking which cryptocurrency Ethereum users would prefer if they woke up in 2035, and 80% of all transactions plus savings in the world are in one currency that is not ETH.

In the first Poll, the Ethereum Co-Founder laid out four currencies namely Bitcoin, Cardano, Solana, and USD. In a moment of truth for Bitcoin and Solana users, Cardano emerged as the most preferred cryptocurrency receiving 42% in upvotes compared to Bitcoin’s 38% and SOL’s 13.1%. Only 6.5% of his followers believe USD will still be in place in 2035.

Muongororo yeChipiri, Tron akabuda seanonyanya kudiwa cryptocurrency achikohwa 51% yemavhoti achiteverwa neBNB pa28%. NEO yakatevera zvakanyanya 21.8% neCNY kuwana 4.1% kumusoro.

The tweet sparked a lot of reactions with most responders shilling their projects. Dogecoin’s promoter Matt Wallace expressed his disappointment at Vitalik for not including the meme coin in the poll, hours after Tesla added DOGE as a payment option for its merchandise.

"Chinhu chinokatyamadza ndechekuti Dogecoin ichokwadi imari yeramangwana repasi kunyangwe isiri sarudzo mune iyi sarudzo," akachema-chema

Vamwe vakaita saTron muvambi Justin Sun naAndy Lian vakasarudza kutora nzvimbo yepakati vachisundira kuti kuvepo kwemari dzakasiyana siyana.

"Ndinovimba Ichava TRON, Ethereum, uye BNB vose varipo pamwe chete mu2035! Ndinotenda kuti BTT yeramangwana yakawanda-chain iri kuedza kuvaka! Kubatanidza TRON, Ethereum, uye BSC! Tron akadaro.

ADA’s upper hand is, however, not farfetched. While Bitcoin is largely considered a store of value with no clear use cases, Cardano has been making strides in the blockchain field through its smart contracts handling mechanisms. The network’s ability to record and store data has also pitted it against rivals, with most industries adopting its technology.

Cardano’s eco-friendly profile also attracted a lot of admiration and while it may seem little, Bitcoin is already grappling with environmental issues while other cryptocurrencies including Solana are yet to spell out any environmental projects.

Tron kune rumwe rutivi yakave yakarumbidzwa nekuda kwezvibvumirano zvayo zvekuchenjera uye kukwanisa kweDefi, zvichiita kuti vashandisi vabudise pachena, vave, uye vachengete data nezvimwe zvinyorwa. Kusiyana nevakwikwidzi vayo, scalability yeTRON uye kuvimbika kwakafanana kwakagonesa network kuti igadzirise kutengeserana pamwero wepamusoro kuburikidza nepamusoro-kuburikidza komputa.

Uyezve, zviratidzo zvayo zvinogona kunge zviri mukutengeserana uye kupa kodzero dzakasiyana-siyana dzakadai sekuvhota, zvinhu zvinoramba zvichitaura nezvenyaya dzakadai sepamusoro yeUSDC yekupa pane network.

Original source: ZyCrypto