Central African Republic Token Token Kutengeswa Kwekutanga Kunononoka — $1.26 Miriyoni Yakakwidziridzwa mukati meMazuva mashanu

By Bitcoin.com - 1 year ago - Nguva yekuverenga: 2 maminitsi

Central African Republic Token Token Kutengeswa Kwekutanga Kunononoka — $1.26 Miriyoni Yakakwidziridzwa mukati meMazuva mashanu

The Central African Republic’s token sale appeared to have gotten to a slow start after less than 13 million out of the 210 million Sango coins were sold since the commencement of the sale on July 25. The country has claimed its decision to adopt bitcoin has won praise from “other African countries exploring the possibilities of adopting a similar system.”

Inongopfuura $1.2 Mamirioni Yakasimudzwa Kubva Kutengeswa Kwechiratidzo Kwakatanga

Kutengeswa kweCentral African Republic (CAR)'s Sango crypto token, iyo yakatanga muna Chikunguru 25, inonzi yakatanga zvishoma nezvishoma nemari iri pasi pemamiriyoni gumi nematatu yatengeswa kusvika parizvino. Nemutengo wekutanga wekutengesa wakaiswa pamadhora 13 pamari, zvinoreva kuti CAR yave kukwidza mari inosvika madhora miriyoni imwe chete nemazana maviri kubva pakatanga kutengeswa. Website Kutevera kutengeswa kwechiratidzo kwakaratidza.

Sokutanga Zvinonzi by Bitcoin.com News, investors that wish to acquire their share of the 210 million Sango coins on offer must fork out a minimum of $500. Prospective buyers can pay using BTC or ETH.

Nepo ruzivo nezve kutengeswa kwemari pamwe nehunyanzvi hunoshandiswa kusimbisa iyo crypto token inoramba isina kujeka, a press statement released by a team that is promoting the project appeared to address these and other concerns. In the statement, the CAR team starts by addressing reports that the Sango coin is backed by bitcoin. The CAR team said:

SANGO, the coin of the Sango sidechain, will be fractionally backed by Bitcoin, which in simple terms means that the Central African Republic Treasury will consist of a Bitcoin reserve fund.

Being backed by bitcoin, therefore, means “Sango will be able to operate with wrapped Bitcoin (s-BTC) muSango ecosystem."

Sango Immune kune De-Pegging Ngozi

According to the CAR’s leadership, bitcoin is an “optimal solution for a digital store of value, allowing citizens to democratize money and currency.” The press release also said, “benefits include, partial decentralization and no risks of de-pegs, differentiating SANGO from stablecoins and CBDCs and ensuring that current monetary problems will be surpassed.”

In the press statement, the Sango team acknowledges that while the CAR has received a backlash over its decision to make bitcoin legal tender. However, in the press release, the team claimed the move has attracted the attention of leading figures in the crypto industry like Changpeng Zhao and Michael Saylor.

Chirevo ichi chakatiwo CAR yakarumbidzwawo "nedzimwe nyika dzemuAfrica dziri kuongorora mukana wekutora hurongwa hwakafanana." Zvakadaro, chirevo ichi hachiburitse mazita enyika dzakataurwa.

Nyoresa email yako pano kuti uwane vhiki nevhiki panhau dzeAfrica dzinotumirwa kubhokisi rako rekunyora:

Munofungei nezvenyaya iyi? Tizivise zvaunofunga muchikamu chemashoko pazasi.

Original source: Bitcoin.com